
Saturday 19 April 2008

I need to thank ....

.... all my friends on the imag-e-nation forum and elsewhere, for all the kind thoughts that have been sent to me over the last couple of weeks by whichever way they've been sent. I've had personal emails, PM's, posts and cards. They have all been of great comfort and it is brilliant to know that so many people care. So, here's to all my friends, to those I've known a long time, to those I've known and met only recently and to all my friends I've yet to meet - THANK YOU!

My hubby has been brilliant. Although wheelchair bound he has been seeing to everything in the house while I've been running round like a blue-a***d fly with the arrangements and looking after Dad. He's cooked, hoovered and dusted and generally kept everything ticking over, all the while fighting the additional pain that all these activities create for him. I couldn't have wished for more support and help than he's given and I definitely couldn't have managed without him and nor could I continue with what's left to be done without his support and help. He can be a right pain in the bum (well, he is a man after all) but I wouldn't change him - lol!!

I also need to thank my sons and their families. They have been so supportive and it has been truly appreciated, especially as they're grieving themselves and having to comfort their own children - my beautiful grandchildren - at the same time. I don't tell them enough what I think of them (they probably wouldn't want to know most of the time - lol!) but I love them, so to both of you -


.... Who needs the Oscars and/or Baftas???

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Pam xxx