
Monday 12 May 2008

Busy few days -

- on top of getting excited about my balloon flight and having the class at the Glitterpot.

Thursday was a funny day. Funny odd, that is! My brother had said he wanted to scatter Mum's ashes in a certain place. I was happy to leave them for the Crematorium to deal with. That is, for them to be scattered in the Gardens of Remembrance, but I agreed that we'd scatter them as per my brother's wishes. Cutting the story a bit short, Mum is now sharing space with her first born, her brother and her Mum but not without taking a trip to the Garden Centre first so, she did make that final trip, even if she had to spend it waiting for us in the car! Not sure Mum would approve of what we've done as she never said it's what she wanted and she hadn't visited my sister's grave in 40 years but, it's done now. Apart from Dad, and he wouldn't remember now, I was the only person alive who knew where the grave was. As we were leaving we realised it was exactly a month from the day she died.

Thursday evening Dad and myself, or rather I, with Dad coming along for the ride, delivered his unwanted music centre (old style with deck etc) to a young man after we advertised it on Freecycle (he not only wants Mum's stuff cleared but a lot of his own as well) and Friday Mum's mobility scooter went. Today somebody collected an old portable TV we advertised as 'free to collector'. It was so old it was manual working - no remote - lol!! It still works though so will do somebody a turn and it's better than dumping it.

Saturday morning saw me cleaning the area that the scooter had used as a garage! That looks a lot brighter and fresher and Dad's pleased he has the space back. It's now the wheelchair's home but that doesn't take up anywhere near the amount of room the scooter did.

Yesterday I spent at an archery tournament that eldest was competing in. He won it last year but he came 2nd this year. Weather was superb although it meant I was chasing the shade but it was a lovely relaxing day for me! The year before last I won the ladies competition at this event but I haven't shot there since because of my frozen shoulder. I'm hoping to start up again with the nicer weather coming along.

Today! Well, today I did some more packing up and there's another bag fully packed and ready to go to the Dogs Trust and another 1/2 full. May yet have another trip out there this week - lol! I also had to take a trip out to the Glitterpot to take back one of the Woodware Flower Maker punches I bought on Friday. It didn't cut cleanly and it jammed. They had another so we opened it to test it before I brought it away and it's just as well we did 'cos that one did the same thing and the cut was awful! They tried the demo one from the workshop and that wouldn't even cut ordinary paper cleanly. I came away with 2 stamps instead and will steer clear of this particular punch I think. It's the Daisy Banque punch. Would make a brilliant flower if it worked!!

Anyway, that's my last few days, quickly. Could lengthen the story of the ashes but perhaps most is better left unsaid however, there's yet another spooky thing. For anyone that watches Emmerdale and has followed the story re Daniel. His cross has 'died 21st February 2008, Aged 6 months' inscribed. My sister's headstone has 'died 21st February 1950, Aged 6 months' ...............

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Pam xxx