
Thursday 26 June 2008

All packed ...

... and ready for an early off tomorrow morning! Probably won't be logging in at all in the morning so this will be my last post for a few days. There is no itinery for the weekend so I've arranged my massage and facial and really looking forward to it. Not cheap and nephew can't get staff rates 'cos there ain't none for the Spa :o(( I didn't actually expect a discount anyway so I can't say that I'm disappointed because I'm not. How can you be disappointed in not getting something you weren't expecting anyway - LOL!! It seems as though we have a caravan, with verandah, overlooking the bay so we may be able to sit, wine in hand, watching the dolphins play. I do hope so. Just need some reasonable weather and it will be just what the doctor ordered - lol!

Managed to get a really good photo of our resident wildlife today - of the feathered variety. The babies are really growing fast now and exercising their wings but this was of Mum (or Dad) who has taken to popping down to a small feeder, we keep full of water, on our patio/terrace.

Whenever I've tried to get a photo before they've flown away. This time they chuntered but I got several photo's using wide-angle and zoom. Here's a couple - one to show how close they are to the house and the other on zoom to get more detail of the bird ......

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx