
Friday 20 June 2008

I've received ...

... a brilliant, and touching, gift from one of my imag-e-nationer friends. I had no idea what it was, what it was called and neither did I have any idea who it was from. I didn't find the card until I'd opened the gift and gone through it. It was a really pretty homemade bag which was filled with lots of little gifts, each having a little sentiment. I have to say, it had me in tears by the time I opened the 4th item. My friend had picked up that I'm not having a very good time, personally, at the moment and she sent it to cheer me up. It certainly did that, even if it did make me cry - lol! I was so, so touched that somebody had taken that much thought for ME!!

It was a 'Friendship Bag' and it contained -
  • Rubber (cute rabbit head eraser) - to erase all the bad and unhappy memories
  • Thread - friendship ties us together
  • Candle (little birthday cake candle) - there is a light at the end of the tunnel
  • Marble - to keep you rolling along
  • Rubberband - to keep you flexible and bouncing back
  • Bubbles (tiny champagne bottle bubbles) - to pop all negative thoughts and for sheer fun
  • Happy face (sucky, popup, bouncy one) - smiling is contagious
  • Puzzle piece (there's now a puzzle that has a piece missing somewhere!) - you are an important piece of people's lives
  • Cotton wool balls (3 of) - to cushion any rough roads
  • Starburst (a tube of) - to give you a burst of energy on days you don't have any
  • Clip (blue heart shaped) - to help hold things together
  • Sticky tape (miniature roll on dispenser) - to tape your lips when you have nothing good to say (she knows me better than I thought - lol!)
  • Chewing gum (one stick of) - a reminder that friends stick
  • Plaster (one elastoplast type) - to heal hurt feelings
  • Tissue - to wipe away the tears
  • Toothpick - to pick out the good qualities in everyone, including yourself and ... the little packet that said, on the outside
  • Open Last and on the inside ......... and if all else fails - chocolate!! (a bar of Dairy Milk)

  • It must have taken an age to do the sentiments, wrap & tape each little gift individually, make the bag and the beautiful card so a huge, huge thank you to KIM(bo) for taking the time, the trouble and the thought but, most of all thank you for being so caring and for being you!

    Thanks for dropping by .....


    1. What a wonderful thoughtful gift that couldn't fail to make you smile Pam.. well done Kim - what a friend!!

    2. How lovely was that, what a fantastic idea no wonder you had tears. Nice to know you have good friends.

      Susan (Daisycat)

    3. Brilliant thought from Kim, PeeJay
      Well done Kim
      And sorry you are having a rough time at the moment PeeJay.

    4. Sorry peeJay my comment went on without my name. LOL

    5. What a wonderful Gift. Kim is so thoughtful.
      Greta x

    6. That is one special gift Pam, what a wonderful friend you have in Kim. Must have been such an emotional time for you when opening each little packet. How thoughtful of her.

    7. Pam what a wonderful gift and even more wonderful to have such a caring, thoughtful friend.
      Well done Kim


    8. How lovely and how thoughtful of Kim a lovely idea and obviously well received..

    9. What a lovely surprise for you and so kind of Kim. That's what real friendship is all about.

    10. How lovely and how special. What fabulous friends we make on our forum! Keep your chin up Pam - Manchester is just around the corner!!!! Viv xx


    I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
    Pam xxx