
Sunday 22 June 2008

Whoopy doo!!

I've finished!! Well, just got to change the bit of carpet but that'll be done tomorrow morning. The deep cleaning is finished though and to say it's been hard work is a bit of an understatement - lol! I'm now going to make a snagging list of the bits that have to be sorted out but it doesn't involve 'hard' work as such. I can now start to relax ready for my weekend away but, more importantly, I can take my time getting ready. (Having hair and brows done tomorrow afternoon - hehe!) It's not going to all be left 'til the last minute as I was expecting it to be.

I can also start to plan the onslaught that I want to make on my own home! It has been badly neglected, since Christmas really, so now it's time to deal with that and then .................. dare I say it? .................. my CRAFT ROOM!!! I'm sooooo hoping that nothing now comes along to stop that finally happening as it has done over the past couple of years. I'm fed up of it being a 'work in progress' - lol!! We have a landscaper coming in on 8th July so our back garden will finally be finished by the end of July and then I can look to planting it up. Our garden is just another thing that's been done over a number of years, as and when finances have allowed, after it became a builders yard when we had a large extension, car hardstanding and access ramps built a few years ago. The lounge needs a decorator - badly! We'd planned for that to happen last year but, as with other things, it just didn't happen. Not sure it will this year but if not it will definitely be top priority for next year. It won't just involve decorating but re-carpeting and a new suite. Apart from the staircase I've usually done the decorating myself but I just can't face it now. Much rather pay to have it done but, well ...... we'll see - lol!

Oh yes ............ and I've changed the date of my balloon flight. Instead of the 16th July I've brought it forward to the 9th - all dependant on the weather, of course - LOL!!

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. well done in getting it all finished Pam, I imagine it was a bit of an emotioal rollercoast for you.

    Also I've tagged you, see my posting today.


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Pam xxx