
Sunday 27 July 2008

I've made a start ...

... on sorting out my home as planned while I was sorting out Dad! I've spent the last couple of days going through my wardrobe. It was pretty obvious which stuff I was not going to keep for one reason or another but a lot needed to be tried on and, if fitting, then needed to be seen in front of a mirror. (How come what didn't fit was too small and not too big????) It's been so hot here the last few days that I couldn't be bothered to keep dressing and undressing so the job has been done in undies! Not a good sight but at least I was comfortable...

Very little has made it through to the 'keep' pile and the currently remaining clothes can now move on the rail - lol! Still more to go through before it's finished though but, looks like the Dogs Trust will be coming in for some more goodies. With what I've found, well - let's say like mother, like daughter - lol!! Seems Mum wasn't the only person who had stuff in her wardrobe still with the shop labels on, totally unworn and never will be, by me, now. Mind you, don't think any of mine have been in my wardrobe as long as some of hers were -lol! Some of it (the new, unworn stuff) I will try on eBay but what doesn't go on first listing will be passed on.

I think I've decided what shrubs to plant in the new bed. I went on t'internet (what did we do before it???) and got lists of plants that grew well in coastal regions on chalk soil, or at least, didn't mind it. I then researched each one, making a shortlist of those that were evergreen. I've made my selection from those, based on how little upkeep they needed once established so - I shall be doing some plant shopping shortly, along with a bit of compost to improve the soil and to raise the level in the bed a little. I was going to plant bamboo as a screen from our rear neighbours but not sure now as there are other plants I've found that would work as well but for a lot less dosh! Still, no rush.

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, seems like I not the only one to have a wardrobe clear out today !!!.. I didnt even bother with the trying it on stage.. lol..
    and like you, I can now move my hangers and remaining clothes.... still feel a lot more needs to go, but another day !! too much in one go not good for the nerves. lol


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Pam xxx