
Thursday 10 July 2008

Looking good ...

... already - our back garden that is. Mind you anything that's done to it can't fail to improve it as it couldn't be any worse than it started out. I forgot to get a proper 'before' photo but I've taken a couple after the ground had been more-or-less cleared of the wild garden - lol!! Weather has been quite good today so the landscapers have progressed really well, although I was amazed at just how much they did in the the constant, and very heavy, rain yesterday.

Here's a photo of the 'nearly' before. OK, so it's one of my stitched photo's - or rather 2 of my photo's stitched to make it panoramic - lol! Most of the undergrowth had been cleared when I took this but reckon you can get the idea.

Here's another taken from a slightly different angle from the top decking.

Thoughts are now turning towards what to plant the one bed with when it's finished. I want evergreen shrubs that will look after themselves and grow to a nice mature bed. I know I'd like a Photinia (Red Robin) but it's a case of doing some research to find interesting evergreens that will suit chalk soil. Any gardeners or plantsmen that may read this blog - any advice would be gratefully received - lol!! I'd also like some bamboo as a screen between us and our back neighbours. I don't like windows overlooking and I miss the trees that we used to have at the bottom of the garden which gave us some privacy. I would also like some large containers planted up with plants that will take care of themselves - lol! (You can tell I'm no gardener can't you?)

I have a half barrel water feature to be installed but need the electrics to be put in place for that so it will have to wait for a little while and I've also got bird feeders and bird bath to find a home for. These last items I've had for a few years now, in storage, ready for the project completion. Yes, I did say a few years ........ lol!!

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. I'm with you Pam for easy gardening and I would suggest a couple of my favourites are Spirea bumalda 'Gold Mound' which is lovely gold coloured leaves and flowers little pink flowers and Berberis thunbergii, which is dark purple and has tiny redish flowers both are zil maintainence. Another shrub is a hebe, you get all different kinds and again non maintainence.x

  2. Hi Pam looks like a big job. Bet you're glad someone else is doing it. Pop over to my blog please. I have something for you. I know I know but it's your own fault for having such a great blog - lol x


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx