
Thursday 3 July 2008

Sports day ...

... or perhaps that's more of 'have a go at different things' day - lol!! Weather was glorious Tuesday afternoon but a little cloud cover would have been welcome. There were a few competitive races although nobody was declared a winner. The main thing was that the little ones enjoyed it. Not sure of the full age range but there were a good few around 6 years old and at least one of nearly 33 - LOLOL! There were about 12 different activities and they got to do them all. Here's a few of them ....

Trike race ..........

.......... Sack race (I love this photo!)

Egg & spoon race..........
Well, that's what it should have been but by the time my little grand-daughter got to that rotation they'd run out of eggs so, it became a bean-bag on the head race instead - lol!!

.......... Obstacle course.

I decided to try a bit of video recording on my camera - having only just remembered that I could use it for video snatches as well as stills and, here's the result. The 33 year old child (well, he will be in 3 weeks time and is my youngest) is in the green and young grand-daughter is facing camera with hat on. The voice is the organiser of this particular game and is the school caretaker, who gets involved with every event the school holds - bless him!

I spent the afternoon, when there was nothing much going on, playing 'hunt the shade' as was very hot in the full sun - lol!! Now here's the anoraky bit - I know, it's getting boring now but it's my diary/ramblings and I like it and ... it's relevant to this post - lol!!

This is the view from the school field - looking west towards Brighton. Only 2 photo's stitched this time.

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Love the sports day pictures Pam, they all look like they are having a ball. x

  2. Great pics of the sports day Pam. Looks like your son enjoyed it as much as the children.
    love the panoramic views of your part the country.

    sylv xx


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx