
Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Wet, wet, wet ...

... and no, it's got nothing to do with Marti Pellow!! We had the guys come to start the bottom of our back garden yesterday and they dodged the rain well but there's no dodging it today as it's constant. Waiting for delivery of the hardcore, gravel and other stuff for the hard landscaping so there's not much can be done until it arrives. Everything is prepared as far as can be though. Can't wait for this to all be done as we'll have a garden back - which we've not had for years - but a very, very low maintenance one, which suits me fine! There will be a flower bed. Well, shrub bed really 'cos that's what I'll be planting it up with. Things that will look after themselves mainly as I'm no gardener. I'll scatter a few containers around to soften the area and I'm looking forward to having some sort of bird feeding station. We might get more than seagulls, starlings and squabbling magpies to look at - lol!

Seems we do still have our foxes as well, although I've not seen any this year. The landscaper disturbed one the other evening. It was sunning itself but out of sight of our windows. He says it was a 3/4 grown one so would have been born this year but it was, unfortunately, a bit mangy. Couldn't have rid them of it last year as I'd hoped! Whilst on the wildlife topic - our baby seagulls are now pretty big and they've been wing exercising regularly. Don't think it'll be long before they start 'fledging'. I'm hoping that the weather will improve enough to get another photo of the 3 of them before they depart.

My rescheduled balloon flight should be happening today but can't see it going ahead as, although not as windy as last time it was cancelled, the breeze is getting up and I don't think they'd fly in the rain either ....... will find out for sure this afternoon!

At least I'm feeling somewhat better - in myself anyway, although I'm now left with a hacking cough which is, fortunately, getting better by the day!

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx