
Monday 22 September 2008

Not sure ...

... how to describe today!

The day started as normal. Popped into hairdresser to make an appointment, picked up hubby's 'script from the chemist, collected Dad's pension, bought the daily's and arrived at Dad's as usual. Cleaner/home help due for her 2nd visit and, so that I could be there while Dad gets used to her coming, I'd got jobs to do as well. Got him to try on trousers bought on Saturday then had morning tea, dropped eye and lotioned toes as usual (creaming bum finished a couple of weeks or so ago) and read the local daily paper while we waited ... and waited ... and waited. Gave up waiting, cut Dad's hair, weighed up a couple of week's meals for Ollie, collected washing together and, just as I was about to leave, she arrived! Only an hour late - doh! Seems she hadn't got the car so decided to walk from her last job. Now that is less than 5 minutes away by car, no more than a 20/25 minute walk but whatever, I would have expected her to ring to warn us she may be late - or is that being unreasonable? It meant I could only really stay long enough to let her know what needed doing before I came back home, a not particularly happy bunny and wondering if she really wants the job!

Back home and a bit of the dreaded 'h' word and catch up on forum. Thought it about time I checked if Glitterpot had their new class list up and - hooooooray - there it was. Half hour later I'd booked 3 days of classes starting a week Saturday and all with Jane Gill. Although not all Floral Punch Craft, one of the FPC classes is making the flower on the right - nerine aka Guernsey lily. Some really good things to look forward to! Lunch and back to Dad's for the afternoon visit. Found cleaner had actually done her hours, which was good and, although there were places missed we're giving her the benefit of the doubt for now. Will always give enough rope but when the end is reached that's it - LOLOLOL!!

Then the day got weird again! Having afternoon cuppa & chat with Dad, telling him about my craft classes and what would happen re meals (local chippy comes in handy at such times - lol!) when he says he'll pay for them - the classes, that is! A few weeks ago it was a big 'thanks Dad, that's very thoughtful but ....' when he asked me to get myself some flowers. Tried to refuse today but he started to get upset so I accepted - gratefully! Then suddenly, for no reason, Mum was in my head again and I couldn't stop the tears. This time it was a flashback to a specific point in hospital and one I'd much prefer to forget! Fortunately Dad didn't see 'cos I went to cook his dinner but - where did that come from? Can't blame the wine like I did in Manchester - 'cos it were mid-afternoon and I haven't had a drop since Saturday! This seems to be happening more often and after all this time it shouldn't be but, how weird was that?

I've other thoughts going through my head at the moment. Unwanted thoughts but there, none-the-less, and all down to Baroness Warnock! She's made some very controversial statements recently and, although I can understand why they have upset people, I guess I can see where she's coming from. I don't agree with her but my later life is not turning out the way I'd planned or hoped for! Just wish she'd kept her thoughts to herself ....

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Had a fascnating read of all your posts today and made me smile xxx

  2. I just wanted to let you know you are not alone here Pam... I too have been having lots of tears lately over Dad.... and I too thought why, after 18 months... and also lots of memories of his last days in hospital etc... not ones I want to remember... luckily... I dont have to try and hide them from anyone, as im here on my own... but they just keep flowing... maybe its all the ones we havent shed the past few months, because we have been too busy... now when things aare slowly quietening down.... they break throu?? ... hugs xx


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx