
Sunday 7 September 2008

Rain, rain ...

... and more rain!! We're lucky really. We live in an area that hasn't been as badly affected as some parts of the UK but it's still been pretty wet. Where has our summer gone this year? It never really arrived apart from the odd week or day here and there. It's just not been sustained enough to give us a proper summer and now it's becoming decidedly autumnal.

Not a lot been happening over the last few days. Grandson has started college, eldest grand-daughter has started High School (secondary school in my day - lol!), little grand-daughter has gone back to school for her last year at primary level and tiniest has started back at nursery but for a couple of mornings a week this time, so longer sessions. Nothing has happened on baby front. She's now 2 days overdue and really suffering. Thought she was in early stages of labour 3 days ago but ............. nothing! Just hope she has it before Manchester or puts a cork in until afterwards - hehe!

Age Concern has finally managed to find a possible Home Help for Dad and she's calling tomorrow to see us. Hope she's fine, which I'm sure she will be and I can get her to call on a weekly basis. Gardener should be coming Tuesday but, with the weather the way it's been, I'm not holding my breath - lol!

I've spent the last few days cleaning, washing and ironing - hence no blog entries here. My place missed a 'spring clean' earlier this year 'cos of doing Dad's so I'm giving mine an 'autumn clean' - LOLOL!! Bedroom and bathroom now done - cupboards emptied, cleaned and cleared ..... how much junk manages to accummulate in bathroom cupboards let alone bedroom ones? I've a few more bags half filled for the dogs home so won't be long before I can make another trip out there. Ironing is totally up-to-date, as is the washing - until next time!! Busy week this coming week, with Manchester at the end of it, so won't be getting much done at home and possibly not much blogging either although I'm hoping that there will be a couple of events to record!

I did, by way of a change, manage to post to show how I store my Spellbinder Wizard dies - all of 'em, including the nestabilities.  I know I've still to post stuff I've promised in earlier entries on this blog. I haven't forgotten - just need some time ............................

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx