
Saturday 25 October 2008

Still ...

... waiting for the part needed to get my lappy back!! Take my advice and don't ever drop lappy - not when it's plugged into mains anyway. Well, technically I didn't 'drop' it. I got my foot caught in mains cable and next thing lappy was on floor. Annoying thing is, I know it's working 'cos I continued to use it afterwards, until I realised it wasn't working from the mains and that the battery was running down. Techie has offered to take hard-drive out and put it in a 'carrier' so I can plug it into hubby's PC and use my files. That would be a good idea except - it's no advantage to me 'cos I have all my files on external hard-drives anyway and I'd backed them all up just a couple of days earlier (yes, I'm a goody-goody who does back up her files, although not as often as I should really). Where I'm stumped is with the software that I want to use. It's all on lappy and not on hubby's PC and I don't want to load it onto his PC so, my camera is collecting photo's at the mo but, by time I can get them downloaded baby Zac will be starting work and the photo's taken of him a couple of weeks ago, when I babysat, will be a bit irrelevant! Probably are already 'cos babies don't wait on our convenience to continue growing - lol!!

Oh well, it's the North Yorkshire meet at the weekend and, apart from packing my case I'm ready to go. Looking forward to catching up with some old friends (Jak, Jean, Greta) and meeting some new ones - well, at least being able to put faces to names 'cos, although we might not have physically met before, most of us sort of know one another through the imag-e-nation forum. What's a bit different about this meet is that some of those going are from the Joanna Sheen forum so it's a meeting of 2 forums - lol!! Looking forward to it now so BRING IT ON!!

There will be plenty of updates when lappy is back so 'watch this space' - LOL!

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. Thought you would have your laptop sorted by now Pam, seems ages since you posted. Miss your updates. Never mind will have lots of time for catching up next weekend.


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Pam xxx