
Sunday 23 November 2008

Busy, busy ...

... day today! Who says Sunday is a day of rest? Very cold - many parts of country have had snow - but this morning it was raining very heavily in this area. Can't let the weather stop the work being done so, after the usual morning visit to Dad, loaded up back seat of car with more stuff for tip, couple of boxes of toys for the littlies and a Freecycle delivery, wrapped up against the cold and wet and off I went. First stop the tip and, by the time I'd gone round putting stuff in relevant skips for recycling I was soaked through - woolie hat, coat and jeans! Dropped off Freecycle delivery ('twas an old - and I mean old - 1950/60's food mixer, definitely retro and not repro) and called in for lunch with the littlies.

Managed to get some photo's of Zac smiling, although they had to be done on a pot-luck basis 'cos every time camera was in his sight he stopped smiling! Obviously camera was more interesting. The posers wanted photo's as well, including the not quite so angelic angel with a dirty face!! Seems to be a nearly permanent state of affairs for our little Amy. A lady she most certainly isn't but a right little character she most certainly is. Just as well that big sis Emma, and baby bro are placid and quiet - lol!! Coat and hat were still soaking wet by the time I left them a couple of hours later.

(Click on photo's for larger, crisper image)

Have to say that it's been another reasonable day with Dad, despite the fact he decided to choke on some chicken curry this evening. I know there'll be no point now, in trying to get him to eat anything resembling curry in the future - lol!! Now I'm home, still trying to thaw out as the cold and wet seems to have permeated right to my core. I'm definitely relaxing this evening as it's another busy day tomorrow ....

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. awww, the "littlies" are adorable Pam xxxx And aren;t children supposed to get dirty - thats what they do isn't it and why water was invented - to wash them afterwards LOL

  2. Pam your 3 grandchildren are gorgeous what a lovely pic of Zac he has grown so much.
    Hope you have thawed out by now.

    Sylv xx

  3. Great pics Pam especially the first one of Zac. I love that! Would think hot bath & pjs would be the order of the evening. lol x

  4. Beautiful photos Pam, including your little poser.
    Hope you have thawed out and are having a restful evening, it's no wonder you have lost weight - you are never still. Take care.


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx