
Friday 21 November 2008

Can't believe ...

... it's Friday already! Had a great evening at Joanne's on Wednesday night. Made 2 cards but as yet, haven't had time to photograph them .......... or anything else I need to do for that matter .......... and spent a bit (she's an SU demonstrator)! I've been really busy sorting out my first floor (where proposed craft room - my 'wip' for the past 2 years - is situated) and a boot load of bedding, towels, carpet offcuts and a back seat full of knick-knacks and clothes have been taken over to the Dogs Trust for the dogs (the first lot) and the shop (the latter stuff - lol!!). Took Dad with me for the ride but not sure he understood, or was even aware, of what was going on as one of the staff spoke to him and he didn't see or hear her. Anyway, I can now reload with the stuff that has to go to the tip, which will include items that have been offered on Freecycle and not collected by timewasters! Why do people do that? Beg - literally in some cases - to be the one to have the offering then don't turn up to collect. Beginning to consider it a waste of time so not sure I'll be offering much more for nowt! Tip is only a couple of miles away ..... lol!

All the above has been inbetween trying to get Dad back on the straight and narrow! Wednesday was quite a relief as the stairlift wasn't mentioned but, as seems to be the norm at the moment, it didn't last. We went over and over it again yesterday. I just can't seem to make him understand that he does use this blooming lift when I'm not there, so he really doesn't have a problem with it. The problems are all in his head. Today he asked me how he could use the toilet as it's moved and that he can't find the door because it's not where it's always been anymore. 55 years Dad has lived in this house and suddenly he can't find the toilet. He did find it, where it's always been - lol! - and then tells me not to worry as 'it'll all come back soon' I've asked him to have the TV on all day so he's got something different to concentrate on thinking it may help. Trouble is he thinks the TV is connected to his hearing aids and that having it on all day will mean his aids batteries will run out quicker - not that it would be too much of a problem if they did but - that's how his logic works. Then he tells me that I've got to check the next telephone bill (??) really well when it comes in because 'they' took over the TV last night and knocked out all his usual programmes. Haven't actually got to the bottom of that one but I think he managed to get a channel he's never watched, therefore got programmes he's never seen. He must have got back to his usual ones at some point though 'cos the TV was on ITV this morning and he tells me it only happened for just over an hour.

I've taken the bull by the horns and rang his surgery. I've got an appointment to see his doctor, on my own, on Monday morning. I need to talk to the doc about what's happening with him before I take him to be re-assessed and hopefully, medicated to help him more than at the moment. It has gone from him muddling along quite nicely to this, virtually overnight and it's heartbreaking to see.

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. Pam I do hope for you and your Dad that the Dr can help you on Monday.
    It must be an awful worry for you not knowing what will crop up next.
    Take care of yourself or you will be ill.
    Glad you had a lovely evening at Joanne's.
    Sylv xx


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx