
Wednesday 5 November 2008

Claim made ...

... and now I've just to wait for voucher to arrive so I can go and buy a new lappy. Only problem I have with that is that it'll have Vista on and I soooooooo don't want Vista! Reckon I might just see about having it taken off and XP installed in it's place. I'm thinking about treating myself to a better model though. I had been considering buying a new one so this will actually save me a bit of money and, with the credit crunch I may be able to get an even better deal - lol!

Been thinking of my dear friend Jak today. It's been a hard day for her and her family - Crafter's Kitchen blog

I think my Dad is trying to recover from my weekend away. He's been very confused since I came back and daughter-in-law, who took over from me while I was away, tells me he was fine until Sunday but she noticed he wasn't quite with it Sunday afternoon. He does not cope well with anything being out of the normal routine and I think that he finds it difficult when somebody different calls into him - no matter how well he knows them. I know he'd rather I didn't go away because of the way he is when I tell him that I'm having time away. I've not had longer than 3 days away since Mum died though, so I don't think he's done too badly. He accepts that I have to have some time for myself but guess he doesn't have to like it. It's just extra difficult for a while when I get back. He seems to think that everything changes and it's hard to get him back into his normal thought process - especially where his pills are concerned this week. I've not heard any more about the sheltered housing other than it could be months before he's assessed as to what type of sheltered housing would be best for him. Strange that I know what they'll say once they've assessed him but they won't take my word for it .....

Thanks for dropping by .....

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