
Thursday 18 December 2008

Winding down ...

... at long last! The past few weeks have been so busy I've not had time to do much by way of 'me' time! By that I mean where I can just sit and do nothing if I choose to - lol!! Having said that the time has been productive and I have a sense that something has been achieved - phew!!

Things are now ticking along towards getting Dad sorted out with care and a more managable home. He's been linked up to the Carelink system and, fortunately, he hasn't yet managed to push the button in error (he's not actually pushed it at all) although we do forget to take the alarm off of his wrist when he goes out! Think I need to put a notice by his coat to remind us as he's been out twice with the thing on his wrist - lol!! Not sure if the other end knows when he's out of range (like when he goes out) with it on - oooooooops, if they do!! He chose to have a wrist band instead of a 'necklace' which I guess is understandable, especially for a man. He's had a problem with one of his hearing aids and it still hasn't been repaired satisfactorily therefore it still can't be adjusted as needed but, there's been a bodge job done to take him through Christmas. Will need to get it looked at again after Christmas and hope they repair it properly next time. Seems that the computer can't communicate with it! Just as well he's got 2 really ....

Some weeks ago I managed to get him reading again. Dad used to be a real bookworm and I never knew him without his head in a book. A few years ago he just stopped. No idea why but it's been noticable that his memory/concentration got worse once he stopped. Anyway, he's now a proper bookworm again and there is a distinct improvement in him altogether. His memory, although still not good, is slightly better and he is much more animated. He barely watches TV any more and he's getting through books at a rate of knots. Have to say he had one where he went backwards though and I do wonder just how much of what he reads is being absorbed but I'm not bothered really - just glad of the improvement! At the moment I want to say a great big thank you to one of my imag-e-nation friends, who lives close to me. She mentioned the author Peter James and his Inspector Grace novels. They are set in and around Brighton so I bought all 4 of them. Dad started reading them on Monday and he's nearly finished the 2nd book. He loves them and says that knowing the area makes them so much more interesting as he can picture the places in his mind .... so THANK YOU JOYCE!!

I ended up having to have a new exhaust on car - doh!! Left the hearing aid place on Friday and on the way home I pulled away from a junction, up a steep hill and VVVVOOOOOOMMMMMMM!! Not a gentle blow this time but one of those full blown, all out, "what the heck is that noise that's soooooooooooo loud everyone is looking as I drive past" embarrassingly loud noises!! Was only 5 minutes from the garage so detoured off. Another first for Dad 'cos he'd never been to a garage of any type before. Up on ramp goes car and there was the problem - a huge great hole in the rear part of exhaust so another £167 later and it was all fixed. Still, got to give blessings for small mercies - it would have been more if the VAT hadn't just gone down to 15% ... LOL!!

One other good thing - I've got my specs sorted. Collected them yesterday and have to say .............. it does help when the prescription is right - LOL!!

Still to be recorded - school Christmas show and family gathering!!

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. It is so good to hear your Dad has improved Pam. much less stree for you.

    Sylv xx


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Pam xxx