
Saturday 24 January 2009

Floral Punch Craft - Chrysanthemum

Not yet a card but another BIG flower! The inspiration came from Jane Gill (who else?) following the class a few weeks ago. I haven't put it on a card yet because I only finished it this morning. Taken a long time to do - very labour intensive! This one measures around 4.5 inches diameter so not quite as big as the other but, I think I prefer this one now it's done. Centre is smaller than I think it should be really. Reckon I did one too many rounds into the middle of the large petals but I'm still pleased with it. Just need to do something with it now. Reckon it could make a lovely topper for a gift box .....

It's made from a giant daisy punch, a medium daisy punch, thin card and some fringed quilled rolls. Each petal was cut individually after punching and each shape edged with ink. I also used direct to paper method to add some colour to the petals then they were scored to give shaping and character. Each shape was then stuck to a large circle starting at the outer edge and layering towards the centre with the 2 final layers being made from the medium daisy punched shapes cut in the same way.

The very centre is made up of small, fringed, quilled rolls cut from pale green paper and the tips inked with the same colour used on the petal shapes.

I just love the finished flower and reckon smaller versions could be made.


  1. WOW! thats beautifyl if you hadn't said it was paper I would have believed it was real. Hope you are well xx

  2. Another beautiful flower Peejay. Well worth the effort! I wish we classes like that over here!

  3. Absolutely STUNNING Peejay - no other words for it..... that is a pure work of art.


  4. It's gorgeous Peejay!!! Must have taken you ages and ages and ages and....a lot of patience.

    Sue x

  5. this is amazing... can see know what you was talking about last week lol... noway would I have the patience for that... its faboulous... another big well done. x

  6. I can see why it took so long to make but youve made if beautifully and so life like. I will have to try and have go at it sometime but probably when I have plenty of time. Ive only been doing FPC for about 3 months but I hope I manage to achieve your standard in the future. If youd like to have a look at some my work its on mind you will have to look at some of my older posts.

  7. This flower is simply stunning, so special. Do you know how long it took you to make?
    My claim to fame is making roses and buds but no-where as good as yours.
    My regards and praise for your art and many hugs for you.

  8. Thanks to everyone for the lovely comments on this flower.

    Witsuebea - it took me a couple of evenings so I guess it was around 4 to 6 hours. The quilling takes most of the time but there's a lot of petals to enhance and shape - lol! Sticking them on the circle is easy peasy in comparison!!


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Pam xxx