
Wednesday 11 February 2009

Day two ...

... and still no phone call so reckon things really are OK with Dad in respite. If there was one day that they would have rung me it would have been today because, today would have been Mum's 80th birthday. I'm hoping that Dad won't have realised what the date was (he doesn't usually have a clue - lol) but I did warn the staff that if he did he may get a bit emotional. I've stayed away because I thought it best to 'ignore' the day. Not necessarily the right word but ......... I'm going to call in tomorrow to see how he's going. I have to say that today hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be, bearing in mind that this is Mum's first birthday since she died but I think it's helped that we've never been a family to make a big thing out of birthdays - not even the '0' ones. We've always treated them as 'just another day' so that is what today has been, albeit that Mum - & Dad - have been on my mind a bit more than usual. Spooky though, I've heard from my dear(?) brother this evening. I'd decided to see how long it took him to contact me instead of me contacting him first - as is usual. Last time we saw/heard from him was at the family gathering on 14th December and today is the first contact since then. Why Mum's birthday, 'cos I'm sure he's not aware it is as it's not been mentioned. He lives just about 40 minutes away but it may as well be the other side of the world. Now he wants to visit next week ....... !

I've been busy re-stacking boxes in my so-called craft room so that I could move stuff off of the landing to make better use of that space. I became a bit depressed working in there 'cos I've got soooo much stuff that I just don't know where to start with it all. It would be a lovely room if I could get space to use it but it's more like a walk-in loft (which, technically it is) but it's being used like a loft and I can't see anyway out at the moment. I need to have a good clearout! I've more card than I could ever use in my lifetime - especially pre-scored card blanks - and ready made embellishments that I'll never use (don't think they bear any relationship to proper crafting - sorry!) and can't understand why I ever bought them in the first place! I'm going to have to go through it all and be strict with myself. Decide what I'm going to 'specialise' in and get rid of anything not related to those choices (note, plural already - doh!). It really is just as well I've grand-daughters and a daughter-in-law that are into crafting and I may just do some blog-candy ....... when I get a chance to start going through it. Have to say a big thanks to my good friend Jak for ringing just at the right time and helped me see the wood through the trees - hehe! Just wish we lived closer to one another but, if Dad takes to this Respite and I can get him booked in again on a regular basis, she may just find me on her doorstep one day - lol! Anyway, I hope I helped her as well - on her 3rd day of not smoking! Been there, done that .... 4 years and 8 days ago since I stopped.

One thing that has wound me up over the past few days ....... Freecycle ......... again! Well, not Freecycle per se but the flippin' people that use it. Why, when you're giving stuff away, are there so many time-wasters? I offered my HP Deskjet 5550 and got somebody after it before I'd even received the Digest email. They asked for address and time to collect so I sent them both asking them to let me know if not convenient. In meantime I got email after email coming in from people wanting it so kept them in the queue - just in case! Heard nothing from the first guy so assumed he'd come as arranged. Did he turn up? Did he 'eck as like! I gave him an hour past his time and then sent him an email telling him it was no longer available to him and rang somebody else from the list. Although I hadn't heard from them to make definite arrangements they contacted me this evening and called within half an hour to collect. I've not been completely impressed with those that use Freecycle at all but the next thing that is likely to be offered is a single ottoman bed. Wonder what the take up on that one will be ..... Have to say, I've had more luck getting rid of stuff left outside the front door! I had an old microwave that had started sparking. I'd cut the cable off and put it outside the front door to put into car to take to tip. I'd also put an old, cable cut off, toaster inside it to take that as well. Before I'd had chance to take it to the tip it disappeared. Ok, it had been there a couple of days and it had rained but, it still disappeared and whoever took it had to come onto our property to take it - doh!

Thanks for dropping by .....

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