
Sunday 1 March 2009

Happy Birthday ...

... to me! Well, Happy Birthday to my Ramblings blog - LOL!!

A whole year - and what a year it's turned out to be with Mum's death and Zac's birth and everything else inbetween. I had no idea as to the turn of events when I started this. My Ramblings blog, very soon, went in a completely different direction to the one I'd intended it to take. It was supposed to be a good mix of craft and general life chat - or ramblings - lol! Seems Mum had other ideas though 'cos things changed unexpectedly, dramatically and very suddenly and the blog took on a much more personal direction. Have to say though, it's been a great help to me over the months as my life, and those around me, has changed. It's my diary and, although I'm aware it's public now, to me it's still a bit of a private place if not quite as private as it once was - lol! Hopefully my life will continue to evolve - but for the better - and I will be able to get to do more crafting. Crafty Bits came about to compensate for the direction that Ramblings took but I've tried to keep them linked and, if my life goes the way I hope (I'm not holding my breath) then they may, eventually, melt into one another as one blog but only time will tell! So ... Happy Birthday Ramblings blog!

Technically this isn't my first blog. I signed up for one nearly 3 years ago but never actually did anything with it at all - not one post! When I decided to take it up properly I couldn't find my original so had to start from scratch, signing up etc. Since then I have found the original but it's still got nothing on it and it's unpublished. It's what I use to 'play' with when I want to try random things - like the tabs at the top of my blogs, my label dropdown on this one and the label cloud I have on Crafty Bits. If it works on the original then I transfer it over to my 'proper' blogs. Useful to have and I'd recommend everyone has a 'spare' if they want to play and learn - lol!!

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Happy Rambling Birthday Pam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Oooh Happy Birthday Pam's blog !

  3. Happy Blog Birthday Pam !
    I do so enjoy reading your 'ramblings'!

  4. Happy Birthday Peejay's Ramblings blog.
    Thank you Pam for sharing your Diary with us it always is a great read and I always enjoy reading it.
    good Luck in the futre to your blog.

    Sylv xx

  5. Happy Birthday Pam - keep it coming as its lovely to read xx

    Jan M

  6. Happy Blog Birthday, Pam. Thank you for sharing your ramblings, it helps put things in perspective for me sometimes. Have a very good year!

  7. A bit late but well meant so Happy Birthday to your blog - long may it continue. x


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx