
Friday 27 March 2009

Feeling ill …

… again today! I picked up some sort of virus just after Christmas and it seems to keep coming back. I go a few days feeling fine (well, as fine as I can do anyway) and then it raises it’s head again for a couple of days. I try to ignore it but I’m so fed up of feeling crap! I have loads to do but don’t have the energy, or the inclination, to do it. I’ve cleared out the study cum single bedroom downstairs – well, sort of. I did a run to the Dogs Trust yesterday with yet more stuff and had so much I had to put the seats down to make car a van! The single bed that was in there has gone and the 2 double wardrobes that were being used for storage have gone to a new home today. I’m replacing them with something a bit more practical for the room and what it’s mainly used for. I now have space to put a desk in there for me to get my PC (as opposed to laptop) back up and working although I’ve got to make it wireless somehow ….

In meantime I’ve been playing, when felt like it, with the lappy and I’ve found Windows Live. I've downloaded Windows Live Picture Gallery and Windows Live Writer which could be a great find for preparing blog posts. The pictures below are an experiment and, if it succeeds there should be 3 of them. 2 of hubby’s grandmother whose stage name was Lalla Selbini and one of his grandfather’s troupe which includes his Dad as a young lad (centre stage). Grandfather is the tall guy stage left as looked at. I found the picture of Lalla touching her hat on a Spanish website (thanks to an imag-e-nation friend) but it was a seller in Buenos Aires. Fortunately he spoke a bit of English and I managed to talk him into accepting payment by Paypal which he wasn’t too keen on but then I wasn’t going to use Western Union either – lol! When I told him who she was to us he let me have it post free. Wasn't that kind?

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1 comment:

  1. Sorry you are feeling ofF Pam I can sympathise as I was like that most of last year these viruses are awful to shift. Try not to do too much boring as it is.Your research sounds interesting.Pics are great.
    Take care


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Pam xxx