
Monday 23 March 2009

It was ...

... Mother's Day yesterday. I'd forgotten all about it until Friday when I was reminded. I guess, not having Mum this year, I hadn't given it any thought. Odd day for me as I would rather have ignored it but I have 2 sons so that was never gonna happen! Thought I was doing OK then somebody posted on the forum - a lovely thought - thinking of all those of us that have lost our Mum's over the past year, of which there have been far too many, I have to say. That set my mind off and have to admit to a few tears in private .... several times. 6 times I went to post something on the thread but I just couldn't find the right words so 6 times I typed something and 6 times I deleted it. I think what made it worse for me was that it's the first anniversary of Mum's death in a couple of weeks and I'm acutely aware of that coming up. Never did post to even say thank you as I couldn't bring myself to. The thought was in my head though so I hope Cathy, and everyone else, is telepathic - lol!! A big thank you for the thought ....

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx