
Tuesday 28 April 2009

I don't seem ...

... to have stopped since Friday. Feel as though I'm achieving 'stuff' though.

I've written a lot of letters and done a lot of online address change notifications. Contacted a removal firm who is coming to quote and advertised a load of bits - big appliances/white goods - in local Friday Ad paper. Had some interest from the online ads (paper isn't out yet). Have to say that one of them turned out to be a scammer - *lol* Thought me stupid methinks but he found out otherwise! Wanted to do a deal on a nearly new cooker and condenser dryer. Negotiations went OK and totally believable but when it came to seal the deal he got short shrift from me! Turned out he wasn't even in the UK - let alone local to pick up! Wanted to send me payment via UPS. He was in MI *huh?* and would arrange the shipment so I wasn't to worry. Yeah, right! Course I fell for that one - NOT!!! He got a 'not very friendly' email back from me and I've heard no more from him.

They're coming out of the woodwork over a washing machine and strangely I've even got interest in a 1970's gateleg table. Other 'stuff' advertised on eBay - 99p starting price - including the remainder (all 5 of 'em) of the wardrobes that one fell apart of on moving it to mine. Seems somebody wants em 'cos I've got a bid - *LOL*. Hope they've taken note that they need to be dismantled and moved ..... by them! Think I'll have cash up front in case they decide to chance not taking them apart. They will be warned if they do! At least it's a job I won't have to do and I've given up the idea of having a third for the 'study' *hehe*.

Dad's large, and dated, vinyl record collection is on it's way as well - well, some of it. 40 odd James Last albums have a bid on by somebody who is obviously a keen James Last collector by their feedback. The 100+ mixed genre collection (and it is mixed!!) has watchers as does a 70's extending TV/HiFi unit. Looks as though most of the big stuff that's no longer needed will go and I've got another collection of bits for the Dogs Trust!

We, that is me and hubby, should have been over-run with workmen today. Three different ones - seagull deterrant experts, locksmith and a gardener/handyman. Not one has arrived and only one has rung! What is it with workmen nowadays? Spoke to locksmith yesterday (our patio door lock has broken and it's now out of warranty) and he assured us he'd be here today. Mind you, he should have been here last Wednesday and we're still waiting for that visit as well. Seagull guys are waiting on their supplier for a bit ordered last week and apparently locksmith is waiting on his supplier to supply the new lock. Says he chased them up yesterday. So that would be just after I rang to find out what's happening then???? *Oooops* Wouldn't mind so much but none of the jobs are particularly cheap and they'll probably all want their money without too much delay .....

Still, managed to make an appointment with the doc again about my leg/hip problem that has come back since meds have cleared body. Have to say that I have less problem with it the more I move around. Everything ceases up when I 'rest' it as instructed *:0(*

Thanks for dropping by .....

UPDATE: It's 6pm and the gardener/handyman has just rung! It's gonna be Thursday now - *doh!*
UPDATE 2: 6:30pm and the locksmith's rung. Wanted to come early tomorrow but that's a no-no 'cos it means I wouldn't be able to get to Dad's and hubby's out for the day so .... he's coming early Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you put that guy in his place what a cheek trying to scam you, as you say think not...he,he,

    Glad your getting other things sorted Pam and hope your leg/hip gives you easy soon.

    Sylvia R xxxx


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Pam xxx