
Friday 24 April 2009

It couldn't have ...

... been better!! Dad's new home from the end of May .....

Flat entrance. Lounge to left, bedroom to right.


View from lounge window and yep, he got to pick a ground floor one!

Kitchen at rear of lounge.

Bedroom - big enough for a double bed and a couple of wardrobes.

Wetroom - no more struggling with bath and bath lift!

Opposite the bathroom and behind the full length of the kitchen is a huge, great, walk in cupboard for storing all those bits you need but rarely use - ironing board, vacuum cleaner, dusters, polish, loo rolls, lightbulbs - well, you get the idea - lol! Mind you, Dad has more kitchen cupboards in this place than he'll know what to do with. He's only got one wall cupboard and a larder now and he doesn't use up all that space so heaven knows what he's gonna do with all these - lol!

The rest of the building .... sort of 'cos there's still bits we didn't see!

Coffee shop at building entrance.


Main lounge looking towards dining room.

Main lounge looking from dining room towards foyer.

Dining room.

Through dining room to lounge.

Then the 'added extra's' available on site ....

Hairdressing and chiropodist shared facility.

Guest suite (one on each floor, except ground)

Kitchen area of guest suite.

The piƩce-de-resistance .............. the CINEMA!!

There is also - or at least, will be - a library leading onto the roof terrace (will be 'cos it's got no books at the mo), a health fitness suite (can't see that being used for anything other than physio - lol!), a small shop which will sell the daily papers and bits & pieces 'at Asda prices', a scooter store (not that Dad has one), a laundry and patio areas both back and front of the building. There will also be a maintained garden to sit in but it's still being worked on, as can be seen by the builders huts outside the flat window.

There is a full, 24/7 care team on site and also, what I can only describe as a team of people that will be providing a full social programme of events for the residents.

We've a month to get him ready. Could have been 2 weeks but chose the later date to give us time to reduce the contents of a 3 bedroom house down to a 1 bedroom flat - lol!

Thanks for dropping by .....

PS. Balloon flight? Didn't happen - don't ask - but, as ever there's a story ..... This time can't blame anybody, or anything, else but me!


  1. Pam that looks brilliant, my Dad didn't want to go into sheltered at first but he loves it now.....he knew he had to because it was a strain on me ...I found him nearly Dead 5 times ..but now he's settled and calls the bingo out on a Tue, Fri and Sun...

    I'm really pleased it has 24/7 care
    Hugs to you xxxx

  2. Wow Pam it looks fantastic! Bet you can't wait. It seems they've thought of everything. x

  3. It looks amazing Pam. How wonderful for your Dad and great for you to know that he is so comfortable, has an on site social life and 24/7 care. Will give you peace of mind and your Dad a new lease of life I'm sure Pam.

  4. Pam that looks a great place for your Dad. It will be so good for you to get back your life and be a daughter.

  5. Never mind your Dad Pam, I want to live there and that cupboard sounds ideal for craft storage, seriously it looks wonderful, you are going to get some well deserved me time at last. better still a guest room.... send Paul and phillip over there for a long weekend.

  6. OMG Pam

    I want to move in. If my parents end up needing care I hope there's place like this near. I only looked after dad for a week wilst visiting a very demanding mum. You will feel much better once you have him settled. This place looks lovely

  7. It looks absolutely fantastic, I think I need a place there away from my two argumentive kids. One less worry for you Pam. Sorry to hear the balloon ride didn't go ahead.

  8. Pam, this is great. The place looks fab and at least you can start to become his duaghter and try to get in better health, Just in time for June so you can really enjoy the weekend with out having to worry.

  9. Excellent news Pam and it looks so roomy and comfortable. I'm sure your Dad will be very happy there.

  10. Pam that looks a wonderful place I just wish everyone's Dad and Mum could have the same, I visited someone yesterday with all her worldly goods in one very small room and that's it ,so you have been so lucky ,I am looking forward to seeing you in June and you will be able to update me on the quality of care in Dad's new home.I think like Jak I could live there myself !LOL
    Pat x

  11. Fantastic news Pam and it looks a wonderful home for your dad. I'm sure he will settle in and blossom there over time. x

  12. That's fantastic news Pam and should make life easier for everyone.A bit of company round and about him will be good for Dad too I'm sure.

  13. What a brilliant place, bet your Dad will soon settle in there Pam, it looks like they have thought of everything, so pleased for you, and your Dad.
    Joanie x

  14. It looks fabulous Pam, you must be so pleased for your Dad (and self)... lets hope he settles in nicely. Think I might retire down your way, and put my name down now for one of them lol

  15. What a fantastic place! What a comfort to know he will be SOoo well cared for. He is a lucky Dad.


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx