
Wednesday 27 May 2009

He's moved ...

... but not quite settled yet! Moving day was yesterday and, by the time he was left around 5pm he had a new home! Soooo grateful to my sons and the eldest grand-daughters for their help. It wouldn't have happened as it did without them. We, me and Dad, still wouldn't be halfway there and today it was the 'i' dotting, tomorrow will be the 't' crossing and it will all be done. Didn't anticipate I'd feel as emotional as I did - and still do to a certain extent - but guess it's my childhood finally passing. The house he's left has been the one constant in my life since I was 3. It's where I grew up and where I married my first husband from. It's been the basis of a lot of memories - good and bad - serious and amusing. It's now an empty shell but it's 'home' and guess it always will be. Dad spent the morning with the littlies while his home was emptied and moved to it's new location, joining us when there was space for him to sit and take in all that was going on. Eldest grand-daughter said she can't remember when she last saw him smile but he did a lot of it yesterday. Shame he spoilt it today when I was there on my own with him! He sent the morning carer away 3 times before I arrived, telling them he didn't need them and after that nothing seemed to be good enough. I suppose his emotions are on a roller coaster at the moment but I need to stop calling daily as soon as so, I'm hoping that tomorrow will be the last day I need to.

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Looking good Pam - the new place I mean. I'm sure your dad will settle, big upheaval for him.
    Hope all goes well and you soon have a little (lot??) more time for you.
    Hope you get the leg sorted too.

  2. I think Dad looks quite relaxed in his new home Pam and you've all made it cosy for him. Hopefully it won't take him too long to get settled and then you can have some more time to yourself.

  3. Hugs to you and your Dad.Its a big step for him,he looks comfy though.
    Take care.
    Sue c

  4. Soooo know what you're going through Pam. Hope your Dad settles very soon, and then the time that you do spend with him will be quality time, not time taken up with you rushing around making sure housework is done, meals prepared etc. etc. I wish you both lots of happiness as you both adjust to this new stage of your lives. Pam x

  5. It's a time of very mixed emotions for everyone and you and your family have handled everything so well. Your Dad will settle to his new life and new friends and wonder why he didn't do it sooner. Best wishes to you ALL in your new life. God Bless.


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Pam xxx