
Wednesday 20 May 2009

It seems ...

... to be working. The swap of microwaves. I spent last week showing him how to work this one and this week he's doing it himself. I'm there but I stay out of the kitchen until I hear the microwave working then I go and check he's got the timing right etc. First day doing it himself it was about 15 minutes before I heard the microwave work but it's got gradually faster each day between him getting to the kitchen and turning it on. I'm not stopping him as I think he needs to do things for himself but I finally managed to speak to the Care Co-ordinator at his new home today and he's having carers go in twice a day - morning and afternoon - to drop eyes, lotion feet and make sure he takes his meds and also to get his meals for him. They will also be doing his laundry and his shopping so ............. I'm freeeeeeeeeeeee!! Or I will be when I know it's all up and running smoothly. I'm hoping that his morning visit will include taking him to he shop for his daily papers until he gets used to going and can go on his own. I've told him I'll call in weekly and make sure everything is OK. Help get his shopping list together and the like and, once I'm properly mobile again, will take him out on nice days.

I had loadsa blood taken this morning but bonus was - it was got on the first try! Can't remember the last time that happened. Usually takes 4 or more goes before I give it up - if I do at all! Nurse reckons that there's not much they're not testing for so should, hopefully, have a better idea of what's going on with me. Went out last night with friends for a meal and I had a starter as my main course with a bowl of salad and didn't eat all of that. Just have no appetite at teh moment. Reckon it's the painkillers taken it away .... Mind you, I was in pain, even with them and having to walk a fair way didn't help. Guess I shouldn't have gone really but needed petrol (strangely I have no problem driving) and to see a friend ....

Busy day at Dad's tomorrow. Need to take full advantage of brother being there and get the last of his bits ready to go - apart from the stuff that can't be done until the very last. New fridge/freezer should be delivered as well.

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Good news Pam that Dad's going to be so well looked after in his new home, that'll be a big weight off your mind.
    Hope the hospital sort things out for you soon, seems like you've been in pain for too long now. Take care of yourself....don't overdo it next week!

  2. Im glad your Dad is getting the hang of things,it will put your mind at rest Pam.Hope you get you sorted next.
    Sue c


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Pam xxx