
Monday 11 May 2009

It's the final ...

... countdown - to our Crafter's House Party. Just a month to go now. Payment has been made, therapists booked, programme - of sorts - in place and shopping list in final stages. It's hard to believe that it's been nearly 18 months since the idea was mooted and mulled over, and 15 months since the venue booked and the seeds of an idea started to blossom. What started as a weekend retreat for a couple of friends from opposite ends of the country has grown a little so that it's now a retreat for a few friends from opposite ends of the country (and out of, as well - lol!!) We've a day of pampering to look forward to, for those that want it and in luxurious surroundings. Well, it looks pretty luxurious from the website - Upper Rectory Farm Cottages! We're all crafters - hence Crafter's House Party - and there might be a bit of crafting done but then again ... hence Crafter's and not Crafting! Guess a lot depends on the weather but I reckon, if it's good, there's likely to be a bit of walking - or even cycling - taking place. Not by me, I hasten to add 'cos don't think health will allow unless it's totally flat (although leg certainly wouldn't let me at the moment), but I can sit outside and enjoy the weather .... Best thing - it's an escape with like-minded people whether we craft or not - *lol* Reckon there'll be a lot of the world put to rights *hehe*

I managed to get Dad into respite for the 4 days we'll be away so, even though he will have moved by then, I don't have to worry about him and it was a worry initially. When this was originally booked I had no idea what was round the corner and how much our life, as a family, would change over that period. Mum was still with us with no clue that she wouldn't be just 2 months later and eldest's marriage was still intact - sort of! Just goes to show ...

Had a bit of teeth pulling to do today. Trying to find out who would be responsible for taking the stair lift out of Dad's house so we could comply with the T&C's of ending his tenancy. Social Services didn't want to know - ask Major Adaptions at the Council! Contacted Major Adaptions - nothing to do with us, ask his local Housing Office. Spoke to local Housing Office - that would have been arranged via his OT, you need to speak to Social Services! There you have it, the ever increasing circle - *LOL* Stopped the conversation there and explained that's where I'd started this circle. Anyway, finally found somebody who knew exactly what she was talking about (the only one I've spoken to who knew about his new home and that it was obtained by Social Services referral) and the stair lift can stay put. Trouble is, it was put in on top of stair carpet which means I can't take up that carpet to comply with the T&C's - *doh!* They're going to send somebody out to have a look round and tell me if anything can stay put (apart from the carpet that's anchored by the stair lift). Normally everything has to go, including floor coverings but it seems such a waste when the carpet is in good condition. Dated, for sure but, it would do somebody a turn for a while.

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx