
Monday 22 June 2009

*Big grin* ...

... well, perhaps not too big but definitely bigger than yesterday *LOL*

Had to call in to Dad today to return one of his hearing aids that I'd taken to have checked out. He actually seemed much happier and had been walking this morning - with the support of the walking frame, admittedly but - at least he'd been walking! He told me he was feeling better and, although he doesn't actually look a lot different his whole demeanor was much improved! He did tell me that there was one carer he didn't like as she was very abrupt and made him feel as though everything was his fault. I told him that I was sure she didn't mean anything by it, that it was just the way she was and to not take it personally but just do what she asked - and under no circumstances to shout at her or be rude! *LOL* Then he pointed her out to me and I completely understood what he was saying! It was the same carer that had made me feel so guilty earlier in the week. Not sure she does realise quite how she comes across so, perhaps a kindly word might not go amiss if the opportunity arises. There is a male carer who is really nice and Dad has grown quite fond of him by the seem of things and he had a little grin on his face when he was talking about him today.

It also seems that Dad might not be so daft after all! He told me yesterday that they'd given him too many pills in the morning and that they'd put his horse-pill sized, soluble, painkillers in the pot with the rest. I assumed, from his description, that the problem was the painkillers being added to the pot and when I asked him how many of his others he had he agreed it was probably the right amount. This afternoon, before I called into him, I got a phone call to tell me that he'd been over-medicated yesterday morning. One of his repeat prescription pills had come under a different manufacturers name and they'd 'assumed' it was an additional pill the inhouse doctor had prescribed. In fact, if they'd checked the generic name (which I always did/do) they were the same so, they gave him a double dose! Wouldn't you think that they'd go by the generic name every time? I knew exactly which one it was as well because it often happens that the manufacturer is different and also the pill can look different - sometimes a plain colour and sometimes with stripes. I couldn't believe that the generic names aren't checked by them as well.... Anyway, it seems he was right and even the carer, yesterday, told me he'd argued over his pills in the morning. Perhaps, if he queries something, they should double-check!

Feel a bit more positive today. about his recovery and hoping that this is a step forward. Still a way to go to get him back to anywhere near normal but it was good to see him a bit happier, if still not the Dad I know!

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Just read your last two updates on your Dad Pam. Pleased to hear you found your Dad a little better today after yesterday. What a worry for you, but does sound like the extra pill had a bad effect on him. Hope things continue to improve for him. Take care.

  2. Glad to hear things are more positive with your dad. Lets hope it continues. Take care. Liz x


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Pam xxx