
Wednesday 29 July 2009

Looks as though ...

... everything is on track with Dad's 'missing links'. Spoke to surgery this morning and they did prescribe all his eyedrops so spoke to pharmacy. They'd had to order the missing one in and they tried to deliver it last night. They now know to deliver during the day when there are office staff around who can let them in 'cos Dad still has no idea how to use the entry system and don't think he ever will - LOL! I also now know exactly how the new way with his drugs works and I don't ever have to do anything for them again. He will have his monthly ones delivered on the same day each month and his daily ones will be delivered every week on the same day - direct from the pharmacy who are now taking responsibility for ordering the new script from the doc every month. Didn't know such a service existed. It's called Medicines on Time and it does exactly what it says on the tin!

District Nurse must have taken the folder because she's not calling in relation to his sore any more. She was happy that the carers could deal with it on the proviso that if they thought it showed any adverse changes they rang to report it. The continence assessment is likely to be done next week but he is on the list to be seen so it's not been ignored.

It's my baby's birthday today. My baby who is now making me feel decidedly old - as if my poor lung function and inability to walk properly wasn't already doing so! - has reached the grand old age of 34! Next year he joins his brother and becomes, officially, middle-aged ....*hehe* (Well, I have to get my own back somewhere along the line - lol) This baby is the Dad of my 3 youngest grandchildren, a fully qualified accountant and a permanent kid! If anyone makes a lie of accountants being a boring bunch it is this one 'cos he's never actually grown up - hehe! How has he celebrated his birthday? A trip to the rides on the Palace Pier (oops, sorry, Brighton Pier), a fish & chip lunch followed by a visit to the SeaLife Centre. Boring, grown-up evening meal? Not on your life.

I've very recently bought a different colouring medium for my crafts (bargain on eBay!). I've had a very quick play today and have to say, I think I've found the one that suits me! Can't wait to get more time to play with them now.

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear your Dad is getting sorted with his meds.Have a nice play with your new pencils I would like to see the results.I use water colour pencils and they seem flat sometimes.


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Pam xxx