
Friday 17 July 2009

It's starting ...

... again! Went to see Dad today and it's not looking good. OK, it's early days and he might still come round but, he's obviously missing the hustle and bustle of rehab. He says he's left some good 'mates' which is how he looks on the staff there. His room was opposite the lounge/dining room/kitchen where all the staff worked from and he saw them coming and going from where he sat. Back at the flat he only sees the carers 4 times a day and for a very limited time, which will only get worse as more residents move in. It seems he's realised that it's not quite the same keeping to your own company, although he's always said he was happy that way. He hasn't watched TV since he went back home and he's not read a page of a book. He's just sitting, doing nothing and getting himself deeper and deeper into depression. He looks so sad but he says he doesn't want to 'give up on it' - 'it' being the flat. I've suggested he has TV on - just as company - but whether he does or not remains to be seen. Worse, he'd had another fall. The way he was telling me and wanting me to check the bedroom I thought it had happened this morning before I arrived. Checking the 'log' it happened Tuesday evening and the paramedics were called again (but I wasn't). He says he's been in great pain since but - he still won't go to hospital to be checked out!

When I arrived he was in the kitchen area. His walking frame was flat on the floor in the lounge and he had his wheeled side table in the kitchen. He was using that as a walking aid but one that could carry his cup and plate - which he can't with the walking frame. He'd also nearly flooded the kitchen trying to make a cup of tea. There was water all over the work surfaces, the floor and the electrics of appliances. He'd managed to turn tap on without the tap actually being over the sink so instead of the water going into the kettle it spread itself everywhere from the back of the sink!

I called the Social Worker when I got home and he's going to try to arrange a couple of days at a day centre for him - to give him some company and to break his week up. It could be just what he needs. It would give him something to look forward to and also help stimulate him - hopefully! Just hope he accepts the chance .... oh and, the SW knew about his fall!

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx