
Wednesday 19 August 2009

Busy today ...

... sorting through 'stuff' and deciding what to take on Saturday. I've got a crafty day to go to - organised by my good friend Greta. I'm taking long time friend, Cally, with me so will have company for the 1+ hour of the journey there and back. Really looking forward to it and anything I happen to make will be posted in due course.

Had a meeting with a rep from Dad's 'local' Day Centre yesterday. I think it would do him good, and hopefully stimulate him a bit, to have time out of the flat meeting other people, chatting and doing things - or even just watching if he doesn't want to 'do' himself. They are also taken out on little trips, picnics or out for pub lunches so I'm hoping that he'll enjoy it. They're giving him a taster day next Wednesday with a view to it becoming a weekly regular for him. It would break the week up and make sure he got out of the flat on a regular basis. They will pick him up and deliver him back so it will all be down to him ...

At least he's prepared to give it a go but whether that's because he really wants to or because he wants to please me I have no idea. He still seems to think that he has to do things to please other people instead of pleasing himself and he still seems to think that he's 'not allowed' to do things for himself. Yesterday he showed us that he is quite mobile (more so than I've been lead to believe of late, particularly by rehab staff & physio) and he can also see to himself with personal matters although he seems to think he can't! I'm not convinced he really needs his zimmer walking frame as he got up off the sofa yesterday and walked - unaided - to where he'd 'parked' the zimmer! He also forgot himself once and went to walk off without collecting the zimmer at all - *LOL* I'm even more convinced that he was brainwashed in rehab into not doing anything for himself by not allowing him to and, as Dad is such a creature of habit, what they did has stayed with him. His normal carers are starting to encourage him to do things for himself, which is good, so hopefully the damage done in rehab can be undone - it will just take longer than doing it in the first place!

On Friday we have a meeting with the Care Manager of the flats and the Social Worker. It's the 'review' promised when he left rehab to go back to the flat - to see if he'd settled or whether he was to go into residential care. I think he's settled enough now to leave him where he is and his regular carers agree. He doesn't like it when the routine changes though. Last week one of his regulars was ill and the other called off to deal with other people and Dad had carers he didn't know. It confused and unsettled him. This week he seems fine again but things are back to what he's got used to.

I still feel that my life is being controlled by him in many ways. I may not be calling on him twice a day any more and I may not now be doing the physical caring but I still seem to be hovering between one problem and the next. Just when I think that all the problems have been sorted out something else comes along but hey-ho, I guess one day they will all be sorted and done with - a bit like my balloon flight really - *LOLOL!* It would be good to know that I could have a couple of weeks free to be able to plan something like a holiday ... while I still can????? Brings it home more when I know my brother is away this week on a family break ... and we haven't seen him since the end of May.

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx