
Saturday 1 August 2009

FREEBIE - Pebble beach

Here's the first freebie for this month. I was browsing Nicky's photo albums on Facebook, just after she'd uploaded some of her holiday photos and fell in love with a few. She kindly gave permission for me to use what I wanted so I hope she likes what I've done. Greetings are a new thing for me and I'm not sure about them, if I'm honest. I think they may be too big and that's a problem in not printing them out myself before I post. Let me know if they are too big and I'll see about making smaller greetings on future sheets.

Please note:
These sheets are copyright to me and the original photograph to Nicky Lovett. You are free to use the sheets in any way you wish for personal use and you may sell anything you make using them but please, do not share them in any way whatsoever but link to my blog for others to download for themselves. Please do not claim them as your own or sell the sheets in any form.

Click on any image for full size version and either print or save to your PC for printing at a later date.


1 comment:

  1. Love the stones on the beach sheets Pam - thank you


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx