
Thursday 6 August 2009

Got the closest ...

... to date! Balloon flight - that is.

Didn't expect it to happen as the weather forecast for today was not good - well not for the time that the flight was going to be due. Phoned to check as required and it was a goer - *yay*. Have to say that the weather was ideal at home but the flight meeting place is 20 miles away and the weather can be totally different at the top part of our village to home, let alone 20 miles away *LOL* Duly left with plenty of time to allow for hold-ups and arrived with loadsa time to spare. Balloon and crew arrive, full complement of passengers and looking good but ...... the weather was not quite as good!

Meeting point - Buxted Park

We got soooooooooo close. Balloon nearly fully inflated and just as burners would have been bought into play there was a few spots of rain and a phone call. Oh no! Disappointment - big time *sob*. Flight cancelled. Bad weather just 15 minutes away. Balloon deflated (not before the inside was given a thorough inspection by the potential passengers) and packed away.

Preparation ...

It's on the up!

As good as it gets - *sob*

So that's what it's like on the inside!

Perhaps next time ...

... and away home!

We had the champers, due for the end of the flight, as a celebration of not getting wet. Within ½ hour the heavens had opened and it's been raining hard ever since. Right decision but can't help feeling a bit deflated .... a real anti-climax!

Still, I now know how an hot air balloon is inflated and I know what's expected to get in the basket and what the landing procedure is so ...... here's to the next time! I just hope I don't end up going into a third year before I get my flight. Eldest son says it's a 'rollover present' - funny, huh? LOL!!

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Oh no Pam how disappointing for you. This flight is not meant to be, hope it happens soon.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry it didnt happen yet again.
    What a dissapointment so close yet so far.

  4. What a pity Pam, but it'll be such a better experience for you when the weather is better. Great photos though and pleased you supped the bubbly !

  5. What a shame, think we are getting as frustrated as you! Hope you're lucky next time. Deflating experience all round :o)

  6. How dissapointing for you Pam so near and still not to happen. Fingers crossed it happens soon:0)

  7. so near... yet so far !!! ... bit of a saga this now ... loll bless ya Pam... it will happen one day.. just when ! ... still.. small consolation... you got me this weekend to put up with LOL xxxx will get extra bottle in to cheer u up... :)

  8. Pam this must be the 'longest' balloon flight experience on record!!
    Hope the next time you really make it.

  9. ahh sorry you missed the flight again and hope it is soon re-arranged.That's the only problem with this rotten english weather you just can't rely on it to play nicely

  10. You got closer than I have ever managed! Hope you get your ride soon!


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Pam xxx