
Friday 21 August 2009

He's staying ...

... put. Had the review meeting with Social Worker and Care Manager today and they were quite happy with the way Dad's settling. There are a couple of concerns but not major - nothing to warrant him going into residential care. Social Worker was concerned that he was a bit of a hermit and, although he protests that he's not social and is happy with his own company, his reaction to leaving Rehab and the way he missed the hustle and bustle disproves that. He's still going to give the Day Centre a go but he's going to be 'encouraged' to take part in the social side that is now starting up at the flats. There's a fish & chip supper in the lounge tonight but is he going? Nope! Then, when they left, having given him another opportunity to take part, he complained because he wasn't going! Can't win sometimes - *LOL* Anyway, coffee mornings and afternoon teas are now weekly so he's going to be encouraged to go to them. Once he starts getting out of the flat and meeting people he will be fine I think. It's making that first step, which is difficult for anyone let alone somebody of his age ........ scarey!

Bonus as well ... His shopping lady called while I was there to collect his list and - she and a colleague have taken it upon themselves to provide a paper delivery service for any resident that wants a daily paper. They found out the local newsagent was charging each resident, who wanted a delivery, £3.50 a week on top of the cost of the papers. Some residents were paying £6 for papers with a total value of £2.50! These girls decided they didn't like the residents being ripped off like that so they now go and buy the papers from their local newsagent on their way to work each morning and then deliver them personally when they arrive. They aren't charging for delivery and are funding the purchases, just billing the residents once a week. How kind is that? Dad's name is now on their list as I know he was missing his daily - *LOL*

Mobility update - he told me he'd been 'exercising' by walking all round the flat using just his walking stick. His mobility is as good as it was before he moved now. He went off for a bathroom visit using his zimmer and came back without it. I had to grin and couldn't resist a giggle but I had to ask him if he'd forgotten something! Penny dropped and off he trotted (well, nearly) to collect the zimmer from the bathroom ... unaided! *LOL*

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Sounding so much more positive Pam. That's great. x

  2. So pleased that things are improving. I'm rootin' for you!


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Pam xxx