
Wednesday 9 September 2009

I'm a naughty ...

... Nana! It's youngest grandson's first birthday today. I visited and forgot my camera! Would you believe it? Something that has started to become a permanent appendage and I forgot it on such an important day - *sob!* Told Mummy & Daddy I wanted some birthday photo's when they download some but, as I'm still waiting for copies of photo's I asked for months ago I ain't gonna be holding me breath, although I've enlisted the help of littlie grand-daughters and asked them to remind Mummy & Daddy that Nana Pam wants some birthday photos - *LOL* It's a date to record as it's 09.09.09 and won't be seen again for another 100 years so, in none of our lifetimes with, perhaps, the exception of Zac if he's lucky (or unlucky depending on how you look at it) enough to live to see his 101st birthday. Happy birthday littlie man ....

Spent the morning putting together a nice new desk so now we have a lovely new shelving unit and a new desk. All that remains to be done to finish the study is to sort through everything and find proper homes for what is being kept and to get rid of what isn't! I'm so close now to getting that room finished and it's a rung closer to getting to do my craft room. Got to sort everything else out first ... think they call it prioritising (*lol*) but - I would really rather my craft room was at the top of the list!

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx