
Monday 21 September 2009

It's been ...

... a week bar a day since I last blogged here! Seems my life might be settling down a bit so there's less to blog about!

Dad is really starting to give the impression of being settled and more comfortable with his lot. He's enjoying his day a week at the Day Centre. His incontinence seems to be lessening and his mobility is more-or-less what it was before Rehab (zimmer is taking a back seat now and walking stick seems to be forgotten as well). From something he said last week I have a feeling that it was Rehab - again - that gave him the incontinence problem 'cos he never had it when he went in! He told me he's started getting up in the night, as he used to, to make himself comfortable. Trying to think as Dad does, I now think he was frightened of getting out of bed while he was in Rehab because they told him he'd to stay in bed unless somebody was there to help him. The same as he was told to call for help during the day when he needed to visit. Result- incontinence. So easy to create a habit ... really difficult to break one! I've said it before, I'll say it again - Rehab really screwed him up! Think I'm gonna cancel his respite bookings now he's settling. He doesn't really need to go now for either him or me and I can't take the risk that they'll keep him in again and move him into rehab. They've screwed him up once, they'll not do it again!

My hip/leg is a lot more comfortable so perhaps it is starting to right itself. I still can't walk properly, which is a problem as I'm compensating by using muscles you don't usually use when walking and it's giving me real backache (which I get anyway - just worse now) and hurts my knee ... which is dodgy! I've now got an appointment with the Orthopaedic surgeon so reckon I'll be referred to physio once I've seen him. I may also know exactly what the problem is but not holding breath on that one ...

I had a day out on Friday with my mate Cally. Should have been a day of classes at the Craft Barn but the afternoon was cancelled so we only did the morning class. Really enjoyed it. Only 3 of us in it so it was really relaxed although technique intensive. Piccies and details are in a separate post ... along with some samples of my latest colouring - with Prismacolors which seem to be 'my thing'! We followed the class with lunch and shopping. Well, you have to - don't you? Couldn't have done quite so much if the afternoon class had happened. Was really disappointed that it was 'cos it covered a stamp set I've got and wanted ideas for but the tutor had bought samples with her so I got some ideas, if not made any cards.

Balloon flight booking #20 yesterday morning? Saturday night, flight line message said 'YES!' Meet at 07:30am Sunday morning. Up we got at 05:30am so we could be ready and away to allow for any possible holdups on road. Not likely early on a Sunday morning but you can never tell when you're driving country roads. Left at 06:30am and arrived at meeting point just after 07:00am and we waited ... and we waited ... and we waited. Nobody else had arrived by 07:30am and suspicion set in. Had it been cancelled and they'd not managed to contact us? 08:00am and we gave up waiting and went for breakfast. Got home, message on phone timed 06:36am - flight cancelled! Seems we were the only ones they hadn't got hold of (by 'we' I'm talking me and hubby as, although he's not flying, he takes me). Now I'm becoming paranoid 'cos the last 2 flights I've been booked on have been cancelled for no obvious reason so what do they have against me? When I phoned this morning I'd just missed a vacancy for this evenings flight (although by the breeze here this afternoon it won't be flying) so booking #21 is now for Wednesday evening. Morning flights - bah humbug! We were so tired for the rest of the day. Wouldn't have minded had I flown but to get up early like that for nothing - NO THANK YOU!

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx