
Thursday 15 October 2009

Internet disappeared ...

... on Tuesday afternoon! What did we do before we had it? I felt like my right arm had been cut off and the strange thing is - I was out all Tuesday afternoon, Tuesday evening and all day yesterday so I shouldn't have been worried but, for the time I was at home until it was back tea-time yesterday, I was lost. Guess it didn't help that I'd organised a crafty day for yesterday and I had no contact with anybody that was going. Probably wouldn't have been so bothered but for that, especially as I wasn't really around to need it much. Just shows how we rely on things (especially as my appointment diary is all on 't-internet .... Google Calendar!) Anyway, tis back now - slight prob with router, easily sorted.

Reason I was out Tuesday afternoon? Hospital appointment with the Orthopedic surgeon regarding my hip. I was hoping for a definitive diagnosis and some help towards walking properly and I got both .... but not in the way I thought! Yep, expected a diagnosis and expected a referral for physio initially. What I got was the diagnosis .... arthritis (strange how it hit me so quickly but he says it's a bit of an unusual one!) and and the treatment? Stay as I am with all the associated discomfort (no groin pain any more but back and knee really hurts after a few minutes because of the way I'm walking) or have an hip replacement. Yep, surgery straight away, no messing, no physio - only choice if don't want to stay as I am! Could have knocked me down with a feather as it wasn't what I expected at all! Shocked? Understatement! Anyways, I'm now on waiting list 'cos can't go on like I am. I've barely got any mobility - well, I have but it nearly has me in tears sometimes and because it's such an effort it affects my breathing so don't think I've really got a choice. Dealing with my poor lung capacity is enough without fighting to walk as well! It's taking a bit to come to terms with though. I've only had 3 ops in my life - 2 very minor day surgery cases and one not at all minor but the last op was over 20 years ago and the first (the major & one minor) over 30 years ago and I was young, fit and healthy for all of them. Not so young, fit or healthy any more so can't say as I'm not worried although I'm told that it's an op that's virtually 100% successful!

The day yesterday was brilliant and had a real laugh. Met somebody new to me and somebody I'd not seen for over a year (which is why it was arranged) so it was good. Photo's not downloaded from camera yet and I've got homework to do to finish projects - perhaps should have chatted and laughed less 'cos some peeps got finished ....!

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Pleased you had a great day at the Craft Barn. Really sorry I couldn't be there. Sorry to hear that you need hip replacement - have thought all along that it was probably arthritis in your hip. Hope you don't have to wait too long for the op.

    Pam xx

  2. Sorry to hear you have to have a hip replacement Pam and hope you don`t have to wait too long. Just think about how much better you will feel after the op. You will be running around like a spring chicken(LOL) Glad you enjoyed your crafty meet, look forward to seeing your finished cards.

    Take care.

    Jackie p xx

  3. Testing for Jackie ...
    Jackie's blog is here


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx