
Sunday 18 October 2009

Ooooooo, it's been ...

... a busy week and I'm feeling shattered! Following the hospital visit and the mix of news (definitive diagnosis and the solution!) I had a brilliant day with friends at the Craft Barn on Wednesday. As individuals we take our crafting seriously - but get us together as a group and .... well! Best not to say really. I just feel sorry for the poor tutor. Seems there's only one tutor that's prepared to take us lot on at the Barn. Not sure if she's very brave or as mad as us but hides it well - lol! Whatever, thank you Carole ... even when we change the class part way through - lol!!

... and look at the beautiful bouquet the ladies gave me! The flowers are opening out more now and the scent from them is filling the whole house. They, and it, are beautiful!

Thursday, hubby and I kept Dad company for a fish and chip supper and quiz night at his flats. Not really supper or a night 'cos it started at 4:30pm and we got home around 7 but it was fun. Fish and chips were delish (came from one of the best chippies in the country ... Bardsley's - lol!) and we won the quiz .... yessssssss (ooops, I'm not at all competitive - right, hehe!). We hoped Dad would start chatting to other residents but that hope came to nothing. Not even sure he was aware that there was a quiz going on. I've asked the staff to encourage him to attend some coffee mornings so he's on his own and has to socialise as it seems he's not going to when we're there. We will do it again with him but hopefully he will have met some more of his contemporaries and got to talk to some by then. He says he's missing his 'old friends' (his old neighbours) but he hadn't seen any of them for years before he moved. He only saw them when he walked the dog and he'd stopped doing that about 5 years ago. Not one of these 'friends' sent him a condolence card when Mum died and some of them had lived in the terrace of houses for the same length of time ... since 1954/55. He's missing the memory of years ago, not what he finally left behind and that's sad when he could be making new friends (although there are a couple that know him from his old area).

Friday was a 'rest day' - LOL! It was our anniversary. 24 years, 2nd time around. I spent it finishing projects from Wednesday and updating Bits blog with the results ... bar one, still to do! I'd been offered a meal out on Saturday but there was a catch .... LOL! To get meal I had to accompany hubby to Bisley (National Shooting Range) so he could collect some shooting specs. Fortunately he was not shooting else he'd have gone on his own! It was worth it though as we had a lovely meal on the way home. Ex Little Chef now a pukka, proper restaurant called The Orchard and the most delicious food ... especially the homemade banoffee pie - yum!

Today? Me and my mate Cally went to the Southern Papercraft Extravaganza. A small craft show held in a sports centre at Biggin Hill, Kent. Glad it was small 'cos I couldn't have done a big one but still managed to spend a bit! I took my own seat ... a shopping trolley with a seat attached ... so that I could sit down as and when needed without having to go hunting for one. Bonus was, it took the purchases as well. I have to say that this trolley has been filled at other shows. Today it didn't get a quarter filled but I still did have a good selection of goodies by the time we left - :0)).

Got another busy week ahead now, hospital with Dad, massage, another couple of crafty days ... well, you've got to, haven't you - LOL!

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx