
Wednesday 21 October 2009

What a week ...

... is following last week! Not quite so manic but busy, relaxing and exciting all at the same time!

Visit to eye hospital for Dad's regular check-up yesterday and a lovely hot crystal massage for me today. Eldest grandson passed his driving test today (well, youngest would have a job as he's only just turned one - lol! - and I'm feeling older by the minute) and I've spent time improving my nestie storage (needed to 'cos got sooo many now that I had to do something) albeit I think, temporary.

I've also taken more crafty parcels over to Dad's flats. The generosity has been astounding where they've been concerned and I can't thank the donors enough for it. Crafters generally are a pretty generous and caring lot and imag-e-nationers certainly are. Tomorrow I have to prepare for another crafty day on Friday with Debs. It'll be a long day - Friday, that is - but one I'm looking forward to. Have no idea what we're getting up to but have instructions as to what to take but with not much idea what for - lol!

Just when I thought the week couldn't get any better I've received the 'go' on something I've had fingers, toes and anything else crossable, crossed for and for a number of weeks, waiting to have it confirmed! Countdown is now on sidebar of blog - lol!!

I've been given the opportunity of a holiday of a lifetime. Little sad 'cos hubby can't come but then it's a holiday that wouldn't be suitable for him anyway due to the wheelchair. It's pure luxury, off the coast of Tanzania, in the Indian Ocean on the island of Pemba. The resort? Fundu Lagoon .....

I've had confirmation from medics that there's no reason why I shouldn't go. Jabs, anti-malarials etc shouldn't affect my prescription meds and was told 'go for it' so I am and joining Jackie on one of her jollies!! As she has said ... "My new travelling companion... .. hope this the first of many brill holidays... and nothing like starting big and working ya way down" ... LOLOL!!

When we first muted the idea of having the odd holiday together I had no idea that this one would happen for me! Roll on 31st January - the day after my birthday and the day we fly out. What a birthday pressie! Can yer tell - I'm excited!

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. What a week you have had Pam and good for you on your holiday.

  2. Wonderful news about your holiday! It will really set you up for next year. Best wishes

  3. wayhey mrs....... we have countdown!!!! tickets booked ..... itinery sorted... extra days to do the Spice Tour in Zanzibar, an added bonus... ... are WE excited OR what !!!!... yep... hehe... and all after a drunken... idea.. of .. lets go on holiday sometime, together. Paul.. sorry hun. you will have to make do with Pams excitement and piccies ! xxxx


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx