
Saturday 7 November 2009

Here we go ...

... again! More wildlife but of a different ilk! Opened the patio door this morning and got rained on. Thing is, sun is shining - although it's pretty chilly (proper autumn morning - *lol*!). What did I get rained on with? Ladybirds! Yep, those pretty red things with black spots except they're not so pretty when they fall on you, into your hair, and in large numbers - *LOL* Our patio doors haven't been opened for a couple of days. Not a mega amount of time but long enough for a group of ladybirds (what's a group of ladybirds called?) to decide that the upper track of the patio doors was a good place to hunker down for the winter. I've got news for them ...... it's not! Looks as though we'll have to make sure we open the door at least once a day for a while.

Bit of research on my good friend Google shows that they were Harlequin ladybirds - not one of the native British varieties. I'm afraid a good few of them are now dead as there was no avoiding it when clearing out the ones that didn't rain down on me but ... it seems that these Harlequins are a real threat to the native British ones so a few less won't come amiss. Took some photos but they're not brilliant. My little point and shoot didn't do too well on these but there were at least 3 different types of Harlequin and could have been more ...

Seems a group of ladybirds is called a 'loveliness'. Not too sure of that when you get rained on but hey, in normal circumstances I won't argue - *LOL*

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx