
Tuesday 3 November 2009

Seems I'm ...

... not the only one feeling 'old' - *LOL* Difference is I'm not that old .... yet, although some might disagree .... whereas the other person is! Yep, it's Dad ... my nearly 88 year old Dad. Asked him how he's getting on at his weekly visit to the Day Centre and he says it's OK. He says that sometimes he thinks he won't go again but then always does. He likes some of the games they play, the meals and he's starting to chat to people. Seems the only complaint he has are the women - or some of them. He says the 'old women' make him feel old. These 'old women' are probably his age or younger but he doesn't see himself as old ... not in his head. Guess it must be pretty common 'cos I still feel like I did in my early 20s, in my head. Problem is the body and mirror tell me differently but I understand totally about feeling younger than you are so it does seem as though that's an ageless thing.

Off for a day of crafting tomorrow at the Glitterpot, which I'm looking forward to then I really must sort out some travel insurance .... only 91 days to go .... *YAY*!! Spoke to the nurse at the surgery yesterday re vaccinations. Not looking forward to them but they are a necessity really so won't take the chance of not having them. I'm now catching up with all my basic health checks, most of which have been put on hold over the past few months. Perhaps I should now do the same with my dental treatment. Get it all over and done with while I'm doing the round of needles - *urghh*

Need to go shopping for beachwear and lightweight clothing but may be better to wait until after Christmas when new season stuff starting to come in shops. Don't really have anything in my wardrobe suitable for the tropics *hehe*. Not something I've had a need for in well over 10 years ....

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx