
Wednesday 18 November 2009

A week ...

... and no posts! Been busy but not that busy, although I don't seem to have been home much ... but I have! To be honest, just haven't felt much like blogging. Haven't felt like doing much at all really. I've become very lethargic and don't know why. Not much enthusiasm for anything and it's not good 'cos I've lots that needs doing and lots I want to do but can't get going to do any of it.

Weather has been atrocious so that's not helped. Gale force winds since last Thursday/Friday with a short respite on Tuesday. There's been heavy rain at times and now it looks as though we've got the opposite problem with the fish pond to what we've been having. Reckon we now need to empty it a bit - lol! Makes a change from having to refill every few days.

I had a day of workshops at the Glitterpot on Saturday. Workshops with Francoise Reed using some of her stamps (she designs for Woodware) and Copic Ciao pens. Not sure they've hit me but the workshop has given me the confidence to have a go with my Promarkers - or rather, I'm prepared to give them a go when I'm in the mood to do so! We made 4 lovely cards but I've not even had the mojo to photograph them but I will ... one day.

Monday would have been the day that I would have gone into hospital for my hip op, had I not deferred it. Instead I was delivering hubby to the Orthopedic clinic for the MRI results on his hand. Xray didn't show anything but MRI has. He's stretched the ligament at the base of his thumb joint and the joint is slightly out of alignment. It's not dislocated but it's certainly not as it should be. Choices? Steroid injection which may give relief for around 6 months (possible if he didn't need his hands for his mobility, unlikely as he does) or surgery to reconstruct the joint. He's opted for the latter but it will see him in plaster for 2 months. Can see him wheeling round in circles until plaster comes off - *hehe*. Mind, he managed OK (just) after he had a carpel tunnel op on the same wrist and when he had a rotator cuff op on his opposite shoulder. The joys of having to use your upper body in ways that most of us don't have to. Should be fun, especially if we both end up incapacitated at the same time *LOL*

Tuesday was spent with Dad. He had a couple of appointments so had to run him around. He's decided to spend out on some new hearing aids - which may help improve his hearing to what he's got now but I'm not holding my breath. His current aids are nearly 5 years old and worked well-ish when he first had them and, although they've been adjusted several times since, they're now not working as well as they were ......... or Dad doesn't concentrate so much but whatever, we're all having to talk a lot louder for him to hear. He suggested he had new ones so it's being put in motion.

Wasn't too pleased with the way I was greeted when I arrived at his flat though. Said 'hello' and the response? 'Don't say hello to me - I've not had any telly for a week!' Somehow, although I'd not been near, it had become my fault. Further investigation found that the wind had damaged the receiving equipment on the roof of the flats on Friday/Saturday (he really has no concept of time) and he wasn't alone in not having any TV. Unfortunately it was so windy that nobody had been able to do anything about it but they were hoping to have it sorted out on Tuesday afternoon. Don't know if they did but there's nowt I could do about it and he now knows that he has to be patient. Told him to pick up a book and read if he was bored. Shame he hasn't got to know any of the other residents and is unlikely to. He won't go to the next fish and chip supper because me and hubby can't go (I'm at the Glitterpot for the day and hubby isn't going anywhere unless it's urgent until hand is sorted). I've decided to give up trying to get him to socialise! He's even thinking of stopping the Day Centre ....

One good thing, from my point of view. A few weeks ago I applied for a Blue Badge to try to make life easier when I'm out and about. It's fine if I've got Dad with me or I'm with hubby as they've both got one but this one was for me, in my own right. I never expected to get one but I was wrong and it landed on my doormat at the end of last week. It will most certainly make life easier for me and hopefully so will the stronger inhaler that I was prescribed today. If it gives me a bit more lung power I shall be a happy bunny 'cos I may be able to get a bit more done, even allowing for the hip (which isn't too bad at the moment)! Should have had a blood test today but it seems my body wasn't prepared to give any up - again! It's becoming a habit .. and I'd fasted as well - doh! Will be trying again next week .....

Think that's just about caught up on the week ... except, eldest has date for his decree nisi and eldest grandson bought a car and smashed it up all on the same evening .... Now there's a surprise!

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Thank you so much for your kind words on my post about my dog being sick. It was so nice of you. The support I have received from fellow bloggers has helped me immensely.

    I understand that feeling of not wanting to do much. We have had gloomy skies and rain for a week. It makes me want to hibernate.

  2. My Goodness Pam, and you wonder why you feel lethargic! I hope things get easier for you soon and that your holiday is all you hope it to be. Best wishes, Janet

  3. Pam I feel the same sit in front of pc annoyed im not getting cards knitting etc done, and today go bad stomach, headache, neck ache moan moan lol , nice to see you blogging again and thank you for leaving comment on mine xx


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx