
Thursday 21 January 2010

Proud Nana ...

... 'cos here's eldest grandson hard at work avoiding having his photo taken - *LOL* He's actually hard at work completing an online application form on my lappy for .......... the Army (as well as avoiding having his photo taken *hehe*)!

... and here he is having completed it and allowing Nana some sort of photo opportunity *lol*.

As our weather is now back to it's normal miserable damp, dull and chilly days, after all the snow of late, I thought I'd post a couple of pics taken from our 2nd hit last week, after the car had been dug out. Result - kept me in again. Fortunately it didn't hang around long but it was thicker than the first hit.

The snow is all gone now and things are gradually getting back to normal. All the online shopping I'd done since Christmas, before the snow caused it's chaos, has finally been delivered so I have all the things I need for the holiday now (and a few sale crafty bits). Only 24 days to go 'til the holiday and .... I can't wait! I just hope my health allows me to make the most of it.

I'm not having a good night tonight. Went to bed around midnight and got up at 2:30am, not having slept a wink. I've not slept since either, hence posting this at silly o'clock in the morning. Why do I get these random nights where I don't settle and don't sleep? It's annoying and I know all I shall want to do during the day is nap because of not sleeping tonight. I was really tired when I went to bed so why can't I sleep?

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx