
Monday 11 January 2010

Well, the weather ...

... outside is still frightful but there hasn't been any more snow and it seems as though a slow thaw may have started. Made the effort, even though still feeling kack, to go clear car this morning. Thought I'd try 'thinning' snow behind it (it was over a foot deep), throwing some salt on to it and leave that to do the work with a view to trying to get out tomorrow. Kindly neighbour 2 doors away was out with his shovel and took pity. Within 10 minutes he'd cleared the snow behind my car and had started on the public bit ... pavement, crossover and road. A neighbour that faces us from over the road, must have felt guilty and came to help (he watched hubby struggling in his wheelchair the other day). Result - half hour later I could get car out. Managed to get over to Dad's but couldn't believe the state of the main roads. The village looked like a giant car park! Abandoned cars littered the main street and reduced it down to a single lane in places. I don't think I've ever seen the like before and I've lived in the village for 55 years! Further into town, nearer Dad and I could understand why the buses hadn't really started back on proper routes. Hoping that the thaw continues but it's not going to be quick, that's for sure.

I've been going through the photos I've taken since just before Christmas so here's the start of a photo roundup of the past few weeks ....

Just before Christmas ... saw them going down, here they're coming back, then saw them in the field behind the trees viewed from the rear of our house. Not sure if they were having a party or if it was just a dress up for the season but they looked as though they were having fun - *lol*

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx