
Tuesday 9 March 2010

Back to Reality ...

... and the freeezing cold! 3 weeks in temps in excess of 35c and arriving back to -4c came as a bit of a shock to say the least, especially as boiler sprang a leak and now we're told that it's an uneconomic repair so new boiler needed. We can control the leak by just putting it on when we want hot water and turning it off again. No heating other than the gas fire in the lounge!

Anyway, back to Paradise for a while and sheer luxury! A brief foray into 'how the other half live' *LOL*

2 flights (Emirates and I would highly recommend them) totalling 5867 miles with approximately 4 hours stopover in Dubai airport, we arrived in Dar-es-salaam on time at 3:30pm on 15th February, having left Gatwick just 35 minutes late at 8:45pm the previous evening. Tanzania is 3 hours ahead of UK time.

A couple of nights in a luxury hotel on the "Seacliffs" in Dar-es-salaam started the experience and a meal in the best oriental restaurant in Tanzania (in the Kilimanjaro Hotel Kempinsky) set the scene for the rest of the holiday.  (Click on any photo for larger view)

We were taken to a village museum ... different living styles of the people that populate, or did populate Tanzania over a period of time ... and a craft village. Fascinating, especially to watch the craftsmen at work. Amazing abilities handed down from generation to generation. Street life was all around and let's say that Health and Safety hasn't yet reached Tanzania *LOL*

I think Jackie and I managed to stay out of trouble while in Dar but ... it didn't last!

Thanks for dropping by .....

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I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx