
Thursday 11 March 2010

Safari - Day two (2nd instalment) ...

... however - loaded back onto vehicle and away we went!  A few twists and turns and a few more giraffe, zebra, wildebeest, baboons, warthogs etc. etc. later and we came to a large expanse of water .... Lake Tagalala!  Loads of wading birds and little dots in the the water in the distance - hippos!

We travelled a little way round the shore of the lake, the idea being to cross a ford but Salum had got stuck there the week before and had to be rescued.  He wasn't too keen to repeat the experience .... lol!

Decision made and diversion taken.  Without the diversion we wouldn't have found a skeleton of a baby hippo.  Salum reconstructed the head for us.

Next thing, we turned a corner and there - out of the blue - was a table all laid out for ...... breakfast!  Yep, proper breakfast in the bush with it all cooked fresh right there, waiter service, proper (well, porta) loos and all!  Could it get any better?  Well, yes, it could *LOL*

Our cruise ship (nope, they hadn't been joking!) ... SS Beho Beho II (you don't want to see SS Beho Beho I, trust me *hehe*) with a 'come as you are' dress-code.  Now that's just the way I like it although I wasn't always too keen on the other prospective dinner guests  *lol*

Official photographer.

Captains dinner?  A kamikaze jumping fish!  If they weren't jumping over the boat they were landing in it.  Unfortunately one slapped poor Anie right in the face and left her with rather a bruise.  It didn't live to tell the tale!

Take off?.
Yellow billed stork

Hippos (just a few in this shot but there were loads!)

Captain Salum and Stewardess Anie.


Just loved these dead trees in the middle of the lake.

A couple of large crocs
There were hundreds of the things all around the lake.  Apparently this particular lake has the largest concentration of crocs in the world.  We got a bit too close for comfort to some of them, for my liking!  Salum took us right up to the shore on some occasions, just to disturb them so they would come into the water.  Mind you, we ended up being more frightened of the jumping fish than the crocs & hippos - *LOL*

Having enjoyed a good hour or more on the lake we took our leave.  There was a large group of impala by the lakeside and, as we approached them they started to run and jump the water.  A beautiful sight. 

The next item on the day's itinerary was to visit some hot springs for a swim but by this time, nearly 8 hours after we'd started out, we were all tired and decided to pass on that idea and make our way 'home' for a well deserved rest and drink ... and thereby lays the start of the next story!

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. OOOOOH Pam it looks very exiting.

  2. rofl... so what was I spare baggage or lunch? ... either way... none too keen on amount of crocs heading our way ! lol

  3. Great experience Pam but dont think Id of been confortable on that cruise lol.


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Pam xxx