
Saturday 10 April 2010

Fundu Lagoon - Days 7 & 8 ...

... and on with the tales!  (We're still in the throes of some beautiful spring weather.  Makes such a difference to how you feel.)

27th February ... massage, snakes and RAIN!

Lovely stiff breeze when we woke and we heard thunder in the distance but it was dry and still hot. I got noticed taking a photo of Matt.  It should have been of Matt and Anie but Anie has stopped at the jetty bar.  They'd been seeing guests off ...

The local Mama's were out making the most of the very low tide and cockle picking. 

Yep, and I did say rain!  The expected happened and it certainly does rain when they have it! Torrential downpour ... all morning. The thatched roof did it's job but where there was no roof the rain came in.

We were told, at breakfast, that an Indian Head massage had been booked for us later that morning. We were also asked to kitty sit! Such a tiny little thing. Ended up taking him to our massage appointment and he was given the run of the terrace where we were to have the massage but not before the snakes had vacated! Yep, snakes! On Pemba they're not dangerous, or big, but they're still snakes! Little Chris was sitting, staring intently at a pot of beautiful tropical flowers then we saw it ... a long, thin, black snake that was staring just as intently at little Chris. Panic! 4 full grown women ... me, Jackie, Iluh and Kadek ... and not one of us up to 'rescuing' little kitty! Girl threw towel at snake ... Jackie grabbed Chris. Iluh and Kadek - disappeared - inside the spa (we were still on terrace). I'd seen more snakes - ooops! In fact, a string of them! Several plant pots spread along the edge of the terrace. Seemed each pot had a snake and linked together. There were even snakes in the trellis at the side of the terrace! I grabbed camera but they moved too quickly and I didn't get a shot. Think the rain - which had stopped - had bought them out and the sun was starting to make them head for the shade again.

Snakes 'dealt' with, Kadek and Iluh emerged from their haven and we had our massages. Oh, heaven! Ended with really, really oily hair but we were so relaxed we didn't care. Lunch at the pool bar was followed by a swim in the pool ... for me and Chris! Infinity pool, wonderful views, cool fruit drinks while in pool. Could life get any better?

I didn't make cocktail night - couldn't manage climb to top of resort again. One climb to pool bar area a day was quite enough for me :0{

28th February ... Bao, cockles and more rain!

Really lazy day. Nothing booked or planned so jetty bar, watching world go by and reading. More thunder and heavy rain but it was so refreshing. Local Mama's out cockle picking again. They can only do this on exceptionally low spring tides and exceptionally low they were! Matt and Alex went to meet the other 2 owners of Fundu - Alex' twin, Marcus and Ellis - who were arriving for a few days stay. So strange seeing the guys walking up the jetty with umbrellas ... woosies *lol*!

Jackie had a lesson in how to play  Bao from Hoffman ...

Tide was very high (although would go still higher over next few days).  We took a dip from the end of the jetty - wearing snorkels! Jackie ventured away from jetty - I stayed on steps but still saw plenty! Matt and Anie came to join us for a while.  After the rain in the morning it turned out beautiful. The sea was like glass. Amazing sight!

  Beautiful end to the day which was finished with another Swahili night.

Jackie went to hobnob - I went to  bed - *LOL!*

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx