
Wednesday 16 June 2010

For the first time!

I've never been able to do this before 'cos I've never had a workdesk until now but ... I can join in on WOYWW (What's on your workdesk Wednesday). Today it's really tidy 'cos I've only just finished it. Well, it's not quite finished but at least there's space that I can work now. It's a temporary measure until I can get back to dealing with getting my craft room proper up and running. It's been a work in progress for around 5 years (yes, I did say years) but real life and family keep getting in the way. Anyway, for now, here is my new workspace. Just need to get down to using it now *LOL*

PS:  Wednesday evening:  I realised, after I'd posted, that my Martha's (and other things you can't see) are on the shelf in their packets and that somebody might comment.  Well, surely somebody did (Julia) *LOL*  I should explain.  I'm one of those people that generally take nothing out of it's packaging until I actually use it.  My mentality is, if I never use it then it will be easier to sell if it's still packaged so why open it until it's needed.  I have a lot of 'stuff' - and I mean a lot that is still packaged and unused as I'm mainly a col-lec-tor.  People who know me constantly take the mickey because they know exactly what I'm like *LOL*  Having said that, now I have a space there's a chance some of my unused bits might actually get used now!



  1. Hey welcome, that area looks just perfect for your crafting !

  2. Love the workspace, it looks wonderful :-)
    I used to store my craft stuff upstairs but work on the dining table till about 2 years ago - and I still have a few bits upstairs that need bringing down. I tell myself the main reason is there's no more space in my craft area to put it, but the truth is I'd rather be crafting than sorting it out.
    Anne x

  3. Welcome. That looks a lovely crafting space.
    A x

  4. Welcome PeeJay! No going back now - your work space is lovely - planned prepared and now - ta na! Open!! I love tha tyour punches are still in their packets....will that last? Your workspace will reveal heaps about you! Enjoy!

  5. It may have been 5 years in the planning but it looks great, enjoy getting it messy!

  6. how lovely that you now have a workspace, enjoy it.

  7. Hey PeeJay,

    Welcome to WOYWW. I hope you enjoyed your first time. Your new craft area is totally awesome and you do have a lot of wonderful tools and supplies. You are truly blessed.

    When I saw the middle space, I thought I would put a cork board in there and hang projects or gifties I received. I'm sure you will find a way to fill it soon.

    Again, welcome. Hope to see you next week, too.

  8. Love your new crafty space - enjoy! S x

  9. you have created a wonderful workspace hun :)
    Things in packets? It takes me so long to save up for the things that I want that I'm ripping them out of packaging while the postie's still holding it lol.
    I see everyone is using ms punches nowadays, I'm so jealous ;)
    Have a great day hun :0)
    *hugs* Heather x

  10. Lovely workspace and I am sure you will get around to using some of the "new" stuff one day!

  11. I don't think you're the only one, who leaves MS stamps in their boxes I';'m sure I've come across it before...or, of course it could have been you! I must admit to getting EVERTHING out and playing with it straight away. your crafty space looks brilliant, but very tidy!!

    oh my goodness...The code's really long...I've just taken five goes with a short one...and it was getting very angry with me!! here goes!

  12. OH I love it enjoy your time using it:0)


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Pam xxx