
Sunday 25 July 2010

All's quiet ...

... at the moment! No further calls from Dad's place so I'm assuming that he's not had any more falls since Tuesday. I've We've another meeting with the Social Worker tomorrow to see if he will agree to a key safe being used so his front door can be kept locked. Seems one can't be used without his permission, if he's capable of giving it, now that Social Services are involved in his care. Were they not involved it's a different matter. Seems the fact he won't lock his front door so that any Tom, Dick or Harry can enter his flat isn't a good enough reason to fit one and use it. Now who's concerned about his safety???? I tried explaining a key safe to him when I saw him. Key, fine. Safe, fine. Put 2 together and he hadn't a clue. Found a picture with description in a shopping catalogue. He could see the writing but not the picture .... ??? Still had no idea what a key safe was so it could be interesting tomorrow but I have a feeling that the meeting will digress to a discussion about his general care and capabilities.

The past couple of days I've spent working in my little crafty corner. I keep 'mislaying' things. I know I've got stuff and in some cases have only used it a few minutes earlier but this 'tidy' business isn't good at all *LOL*. I put things away and then can't find where I've put them! Think I need to start a labelling system 'cos I'm getting mighty fed up of hunting for things I've only just used .... or perhaps untidy is the way to go! I've ordered some more bits to help with - I was going to say storage but it's more - organisation, so perhaps that will help when it arrives. I've even managed to use the area to make a couple of cards and have to say, although not a big area, it's so much better than working on the floor (especially with my knees) and my lap! Gonna spend a bit more time there today then need to start sorting out this blog!

I've so much to catch up with again and, apart from the Spanish holiday, it's only July's happenings!
Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx