
Sunday 11 July 2010

It's still ...

... hot, hot, hot but not quite so hot as it has been. Still got wall to wall sunshine even though the day started overcast due to sea mist. Sea mist soon burnt off and it's been glorious ever since. I've done a little more in the corner of the study that I'm making into a crafting corner but the making of that is all to be covered in the remaining 'catch-up' for June - *lol*

Had an odd phone call from one of Dad's carers about an hour ago. He's had another fall and she phoned me because he asked her to. Seems they had to call the ambulance and they now want to refer him to the 'fall team' (whatever that is) because of the way they had to get him up and how he walked to his chair without his zimmer. Now I'm asking myself why would he be walking to his chair without his zimmer and the only answer I can come up with is that he wasn't using the blooming thing in the first place - hence the fall! If nobody is there with him then he can't be made to use it so referring him to a 'fall team' is a bit pointless. He knows exactly what he's supposed to do and if he chooses not to do it there is nothing anyone else can do. Thing is, Dad walks funny and has done for years. His knees are shot but he refused knee replacement surgery when it was offered to him about 15 years ago and his ankles are turned so much he walks like a penguin, with his toes stuck out to the side. He shuffles as he can't lift his feet so he catches them occasionally and that's why he falls. He's even been known to fall using his zimmer. I've considered talking to him about the possibility of the knee replacement again but not sure they'd be prepared to do it at his age and that's assuming I could get him to agree. It would mean hospital and therein lies the tale and his phobia of hospitals! 

I've digressed again ... call was odd because Dad asked the carer to give me a message.  He said that he 'wasn't going to do that again with me if this is what is going to happen'.  Now, I've not seen him since Wednesday and not for 2 weeks before that so, I have no idea what it is that he isn't going to do with me again.  Carer didn't know what he meant either but she said she'd phone me back if she found out.  If she doesn't I'll have to try to find out on Tuesday when I see him but it's likely to be like pulling teeth assuming he can remember!

Mid June and my clematis, which I do absolutely nothing with at all, was in full bloom and, as with my lilac bush it seems that the weather since it last bloomed has suited it down to the ground. It was full of flowers and they were huge.  Now it's full of seed heads but it was so pretty while it lasted ....

and the last bit of 'catch up' before the jolly to Spain with good mates ... my crafting corner.  It wasn't fully finished and it's still to be organised but this is how it was on 15th June.  Working space has been covered since due to still trying to organise it (this is just the work area) and I'm also adding another small shelving unit.  Just got to decide where I want to put it!

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. Your craft corner is looking great & so organised. Hope Dad is ok x


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Pam xxx