
Sunday 23 January 2011

A quiet Sunday ...

Good morning from a reasonably bright south coast. Did a lot of photographing yesterday and I made .... 3 cards! Nothing too strenuous though as they were all Wobblers! Youngest grand-daughter's birthdays this week and Dad's. Busy ... and expensive time. Having said that, I got the youngsters pressies when I was at Hobbycraft a couple of weeks ago. They're into crafty stuff and there were kids kits reduced in the sale so one's going to be decorating butterflies and the other has some sequin art to do. Dad - no idea about! When somebody does nothing and has no interests or vices, there's not a lot that you can get them *sad face* He's even stopped reading (apart from his newspapers) and I can only guess it's because he can't remember what he's read previously so the stories make no sense.

Anyway, it seems I've got some visitors coming this morning (eldest and his partner) but I could have gone to a 5 year old's birthday party. It's as well I passed on that as I had a bad night again and laid in this morning ... it starts at 10am *LOL*

Hubby is in hossie until tomorrow, as expected, so I'm taking the opportunity to do things that are easier to do when he's not around. Might even do some more baking this afternoon.

Here's a result of my photography yesterday ... the flowers that the girls gave me on Friday. They are so beautiful. The rest of the photography is for my other blog ... and some of it is already there *lol*

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx